Page 34 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
My suspicious mind wonders if this is a trap. If she’s trying to get me to make her pregnant and force me to stay. “I haven’t made up my mind.”
“I know. I assume you want to use plas-film, then?” Her tone is so casual, as if she’s talking about getting a glass of water instead of having sex.
“Plas-film, yes.”
I expect her to protest at my insistence on birth control, but she just pulls the covers back and hops out of bed. A moment later, she flicks the lights on and rummages in the wash room, then returns with a small plas-film container.
I watch, propped up on one elbow, as she moves around. Her shift is thin and through it I can see the outline of her bobbing, dark-tipped tits under the clothing. There’s a dark patch between her thighs, too, and I’m curious about that. I’m curious about all of her, and I’m so keffing hard that my cock’s leaking all over the front of my trou.
She climbs back into bed, sitting on her knees, and tugs the blankets all the way down to the foot of the bed. My cock strains against my clothing, and I know my length is impressive. I watch her face, but Piper is utterly impassive, her head tilted so her dark hair hangs in front of her face, that thick fringe covering her brow. With steady hands, she unties the waist of my trou and eases them down my hips. There’s no auto-fasten on these clothes, so she has to manually guide them down my legs and onto the floor, but she does, as if it’s something she always handles. After a moment, she looks over my body and hesitates when she sees my cock and the metal piercing studding the end of it.
I have to look enormous to her. She’s so delicate that my cock’s probably twice as big as any she’s encountered before, or maybe that’s just my imagination. But she only licks her pink lips with an equally pink tongue and meets my gaze. “Shall I put it on for you?”
I groan, because the thought of her small hands on my shaft is enough to make me crazy. “Do it.”
She nods, pulling a sheet of plas-film free with expert fingers. Then, she leans forward and glides the thin material over my shaft, caressing the ridges and molding the film to my length. It’s clear she’s done this before.
“Do you want me on my back or on my knees?” Piper asks as she sets her hands in her lap once more.
There’s a strange, matter-of-fact-ness to this, but I’m too aching with need to question things. “Back,” I rasp. I want to see her expression when I kef her so hard that the bed shakes. I want to watch that rapture spread over those strange, small human features.
But she only nods again, strips her shift off and tosses it onto the floor, and then obediently gets on her back and puts her hands behind her knees, spreading her cunt wide and ready for me.
I stare. I can’t help it. It’s an arousing picture, and I’m fascinated by the sight of the rosy flush of her folds and the tufts of dark hair that frame them. She’s like a mesakkah female, but not quite. There’s subtle differences—the color and the hair for starters—but everything about her just seems a little more delicate, a little more…human. Erotic and yet unusual both at the same time.
I slide closer to her on the bed, wanting to push between those thighs and taste her. I can’t wait to see how she reacts when I touch her, and I lean in and glide my hand down the inside of one pale thigh.
She shivers, and then holds her legs wider.
It takes me a moment to realize that she’s not looking at me. Oh, her face is turned in my direction, but she’s got a distant expression that tells me that her body is here, but her mind is very, very far away. Experimentally, I run my thumb down the folds of her cunt. She’s dry as a bone. I’ve heard a lot about human females, but never that. I look up at her and her face is angled away slightly, staring at a spot over my shoulder.
This doesn’t feel like sex. This feels like rape. I don’t know if it’s because I’m so damned ugly that she has to look away or if it’s something else, but it doesn’t sit right with me.
I lean over her, pushing her thighs back down on the bed. I rest on my side, gazing down at her, and when she still won’t look me in the eye, I put my fingers on her chin and force her to meet my gaze. “Do you want this?”