Page 20 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
“You really want me?” she asks, her voice soft. “You’re not just being kind?” She won’t meet my eyes, just keeps rubbing the pads of her fingers over my knuckles, back and forth, and it’s like she’s doing it to my cock, I’m so hard.
“I’ve heard a lot of things said about me,” I tell her. “But ‘kind’ isn’t one of them.”
“I would say you’re kind,” Nicola tells me, breathless. “Kind, and understanding. Maybe a little stubborn, but also with a noble spirit. And protective. I like that.” She lifts my hand to her mouth and rubs her lips against my knuckles. “And handsome.”
My pleasure dashes at that last word. My knee aches and I feel every inch the broken man I was when I returned from the war, full of disappointment. “Not handsome,” I say flatly. “We both know that’s true.”
“You are to me,” she says, and she holds tight to my hand when I try to pull away from her. “I see your scars. Don’t think that I’m blind to them. But I don’t think they’re ugly. I think they tell a story of a past you’ve overcome, just like me. And the fact that you’ve been so very kind to me? Treated me like I’m a person ever since I got here?” She reaches up and touches my jaw, her hand light against my skin even as she presses my other hand to her breasts. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”
Now I’m really sweating. My cock feels as if it’s going to burst free from my trou if it gets any harder. “Nicola. I know you’ve been through a lot. I just want you to know that we can wait until you’re ready…”
And then my voice dies in my throat because she’s putting my hand on one of those plump, glorious breasts and looking up at me with her big eyes. There’s no teasing smile on her face in this moment. She’s utterly serious and she reaches up for me again. “I’d kiss you right now, but I don’t think I can reach that high.”
I’m too distracted by the feel of her breast in my hand. The hard little tip is tickling my palm, begging for me to rub it. To stroke over it and feel it grow tight, and to see her reaction. It takes me a moment to realize what she’s saying. “Kiss…?”
Nicola nods. “It’s a human thing. The lips on mouth. Well, earlier I did lips on face, but it can get more intense than that.” The smile is returning to her mouth. “Want to give it a try? Or should we observe the hygiene laws like they do back on Homeworld? Leandra gave me quite a lecture about plas-film and protection until we’re ready to have a baby. About covering my body to protect it from germs, but humans aren’t like that.” She bites her lip and slides her hand from my jaw to my chest. “And I want to touch you. All of you. Is that wrong?”
If it’s wrong, I want to be wrong with her. I groan low in my throat and put my hand under her legs and back, picking her up in my arms and carrying her into the bedroom. “Kef the plas-film,” I tell her, hating the thought of using a body condom to protect my skin. I want to rub all over her like she’s suggesting. “The thought of you carrying my child fills me with joy.”
Her eyes glow with happiness and she puts her arms around my neck. “It does?”
“There is nothing I want more…if you are ready.”
“If it was anyone else, I would say I wasn’t sure. But with you…” She sighs and reaches up to caress my cheek even as I lay her down on the bed. “With you, I want everything.”
“Then show me how to kiss.”
She sits up in the bed, her gaze on me. As I sit down on the edge, she crawls into my lap and straddles my cock. I stiffen, because I think if she rubs her cunt up against me, I might lose what little control I have. But Nicola only smiles and twines her arms around my neck, leaning in. She rubs her nose against mine and then presses her lips to my mouth. The kiss is light, sweet and pleasant…until she slides her tongue into my mouth. Then my entire body is aflame with need and I wrap my arms around her, groaning low in my throat as her slick little tongue mates with mine.
I’m liking humans more and more by the moment.
Our mouths mesh over and over again, tongues flicking and exploring, until I am unsure where her mouth starts and mine begins. When she pulls away from me, I feel a stab of loss and lean in again immediately, wanting more of her taste. She’s mine to possess, every bit of her, and I hunger for more of her mouth.