Page 12 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
Emvor grunts, and I’m perversely pleased to see that he’s as short—if not shorter—with this guy as he is with me. “I’ll be at the gathering.”
“Wonderful! And your friend?”
“Her decision,” Emvor says flatly, clearly trying to shut the conversation down.
“Is she here? Can I meet her?”
I bite my lip so hard it sends a sharp pain through me. I’m terrified at the thought of being shoved in front of someone who deliberately showed up to stare at me. Does he know what I am? Did someone see through my disguise back at the spaceport? I feel dizzy and realize that I’m holding my breath.
“She’s asleep,” Emvor tells him in that same flat, you’re-bothering-me tone. “You can meet her at the gathering.”
“Ah.” The newcomer hesitates. “I suppose I could stick around for a bit. Do you need help with your chores while I’m here? I’d be happy to assist.”
“You sure? I know you’re very anti-mech. I don’t mind—”
“I said no.” After a moment, I hear the creak of the front door opening. “I’ll see you at the gathering. I’ll bring some food.”
“See you then,” the man says, his voice growing fainter, as if he’s leaving. There’s no denying the disappointment in his tone. I hear him start to say something else, but then the door slams shut and it’s silent.
Emvor grunts, as if he’s pleased at the quiet.
I hesitate in the bedroom, unsure of what to do. He has to know that I’m in here. There are only so many places to hide in this snug house. But he’s not saying anything, and that just makes me more nervous. Eventually, I shore up my courage and peek through the doorway into the kitchen.
Emvor leans against the counter, expression calm, eating one of my fresh-made cookies. He glances over at me and lifts his chin. “He’s gone now.”
I step out slowly, unsure what to think. “Your neighbor?”
He snorts and shakes his head. “Couple of farms away, but he’s the one that likes to stick his nose into everyone else’s business.” He studies me for a moment and then moves forward, pushing off the counter. “You’re shaking.”
“Am I?” I hug my arms against my chest. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
Emvor frowns at my response and then puts a hand on my shoulder, letting it slide to my back as he guides me forward. “Come sit in the chair. I don’t like seeing you like that.”
“I’m fine, really. It’s just a nervous reaction.” But I let him lead me over to the chair, and when he continues to hover after I sit down, I offer him a smile. “You don’t think he came after me because he heard I’m human?”
He shakes his head. “He’s interested in gossip, but he’s harmless. He won’t sell you out for a reward, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
That’s exactly what I was wondering. I offer him a relieved look, clasping my hands in my lap to hide their quivering. “I guess it’s something I’ve got to get used to if I’m going to be looking for a new husband at the gathering.”
“Mmm.” Emvor turns away from me and heads toward the cookie plate, grabbing another. I think he’s going to eat it himself but to my surprise, he offers it to me. “Eat something. It’ll help your nerves.”
I take the cookie and nibble on it as he helps himself to another as well. I think about the man that showed up earlier. Harmless, Emvor says. I have to trust his judgment. “So who was he? That man?”
“His name’s Sanjurel. Old widower up the valley. Ever since his wife passed, he likes to stay busy by managing everyone else’s business.” He shrugs.
“Widower, huh? Maybe he’ll need a new bride and won’t mind if she’s not strong and kind of ugly.” I laugh nervously, but Emvor doesn’t join in. His jaw tightens and I get the impression I said something wrong.
“You’re not ugly,” he says after a moment. “You’re just human. Doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the way you look.”
It sounds like he’s parroting my words back, and it’s nice of him. “I guess so. Are there a lot of widowers here on your planet? A lot of single men?”
His eyes narrow and he scowls, brushing crumbs off his tunic. “Why?”
Why? Isn’t it obvious? “Um, because I’m going to need to marry someone, remember?”
Emvor doesn’t say anything to that. He just moves away and shakes his head. “I need to wash up before dinner.”
I’m left alone in the living area, wondering why he’s so sensitive over something like that. I thought he wanted me to get out of his hair? If so, shouldn’t I ask about the locals? See who might need a wife? Who might be amenable to a human? Why does he act like he’s offended?
I sigh to myself and take a halfhearted bite of cookie. Perhaps he thinks I’m being too pushy. He said he’d take me to the gathering. I’ll meet someone there and I won’t worry about it until then. I’ve got a few days to relax before I have to worry about husband hunting. Emvor says I’m safe here. Might as well not borrow trouble until I have to.