Page 3 of Filthy Twin Cowboys (Forbidden Fantasies 16)
My observations are disrupted by Bess’s loud squeal directly in my ear. I turn her way.
“Holy crap, Bess, it’s loud but you don’t have to scream like that!” I say, rubbing my ringing ear for measured effect.
But my friend couldn’t care less about my potential hearing loss. “Junie,” she breathes excitedly, pointing her finger in the direction of the main door. “Look!”
Shaking my head at Bess’s insane behavior, I turn to look at whatever has my friend riveted.
My jaw drops immediately and my pulse starts racing.
Because strolling into Skye One are two of the most gorgeous, sexiest, and powerful looking men I have ever seen.
Each man is tall, with bulging muscles that only hard labor could sculpt. They have thick, perfectly tousled black hair and sharp, piercing blue eyes that sparkle even in the dim light of the bar. I’m startled to realize that they’re identical twins and even more surprised to realize how turned on I am by their appearance alone.
Bess is clawing at my arm, practically panting at the sight of the gorgeous strangers.
“We have to go over there!” she yells giddily.
“Bess, wait!” I shout back, but it’s too late. My tipsy friend is already climbing off her stool, her short dress riding dangerously high up her backside and her shoulder straps slipping down her arms.
“Come on!” Bess calls over one shoulder. “We have to get to them before the other ladies do!”
Oh my god, my friend is so crazy. I roll my eyes but also quickly tug my skimpy top a little lower, exposing ample cleavage in the process. Then, I let Bess drag me across the bar until we’re standing directly in front of the two cowboys.
Each one holds a beer in his hand, looking cool and confident. But at our approach, one of the men turns our way, his blue eyes so blue that they practically glow.
“Hi!” Bess says brightly, flipping her long brown hair over one shoulder.
“Hi yourself,” the same man answers. “Ma’am,” he inclines his head at me.
I smile timidly, suddenly feeling incredibly shy. I take a long swallow of my drink, unsure what to say to the two hot men.
“I’m Bess, this is Juniper,” Bess shouts again, inching her body slightly closer to the two men.
The second hunk, who looks slightly more serious than his twin, inclines his head in our direction. “How are you ladies tonight?”
I swallow hard, the sound of his voice intoxicatingly deep.
“Do you guys want to dance?” Bess asks enthusiastically, shimmying suggestively in place. “I’m a really good dancer!” she says, wiggling her hips and pulling her shoulders back.
But before either man can answer, one of Bess’s dress straps snaps, the fabric suddenly dipping low and exposing her huge tits. They’re creamy and white, with big, dark nipples. Thankfully, my friend has retained enough of her sanity to act normal.
“Oh my god!” she gasps, grabbing at the slipping material. “Um – I need to go fix this. Juniper, stay here, and keep these guys company. I’ll be right back.” Before I can protest, Bess dashes in the direction of the bathroom, clutching her torn dress tightly against her body as she weaves her way through the crowd.
“Maybe I should go help her,” I say, biting my lip. But then, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see the quieter man looking at me with intense eyes.
“She did say you should keep us company,” he offers, his voice deep and velvety.
I gulp again, mesmerized by his gaze and commanding presence. “That’s true,” I reply breathily, keeping my eyes locked on the brilliant blue ones in front of me.
“I’m Stanton, and this is my baby brother Shane,” the handsome cowboy smirks. “Nice to meet you.”
“Hey now, I’m younger by four minutes,” Shane interjects with a hearty laugh. I turn my attention toward the infectious sound. “I tell you, Juniper, he’s never going to let me forget that detail.”
I smile at Shane, suddenly at ease thanks to his lighthearted banter and easy manner. “Are you two twins then?” I question.
“That we are. What gave us away?” Shane asks with a wink.
I grin at him, and then turn my attention back to Stanton. “But clearly you guys aren’t from around here.”
“What makes you say that?” Stanton asks, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly.
I gesture around the bar. “Everyone knows everyone in Lake Puckett,” I offer by way of explanation. “So trust me, I’d know if you were from this area.”
Shane chuckles again, and the deep sound has my body going into hyper-awareness. “Guilty as charged. No, Stanton and I are just passing through on the way back to our ranch up north.”
“So you’re ranch hands then,” I say innocently, leaning against the bar so that I’m practically touching Stanton. He grins, easily dwarfing me by a head.
“Something like that,” he speaks.