Page 21 of Filthy Twin Cowboys (Forbidden Fantasies 16)
I sneak back into my dorm, following another tryst with Shane and Stanton. Once safely in my room, I lean against the door and smile at nothing.
That was fun, I think naughtily
It’s been several months since my arrival at the Lazy R, and my life is overall pretty rosy. Whenever it appears safe, I sneak off for a rendezvous with Shane and Stanton. Some evenings are chill and full of good food and stories, while others – like tonight – are much more wild and unexpected.
I blush as I think about some of the wicked deeds we engaged in just hours ago. The men are far more experienced than me, but at the same time, they’re incredibly patient as they explore my body. I never knew that I could be stretched like that, with my pussy accepting both of their hard rods at once. What was it called again? Ah yes. DV, for double vaginal. Oooh, it was so dirty, but it felt so good too!
Suddenly, the morning breakfast bell interrupts my thoughts, and I spring into motion. Crap! I get dressed quickly, opting for a warm flannel and already dirty jeans – we’re headed into one of the remote fields of the Lazy R today and were told the work would be messy.
As soon as I’m dressed, I bound down the stairs to join the other girls at breakfast. I sit a few chairs down from Karina, who glares at me as soon as we lock eyes. I pretend not to notice. Ever since our unfortunate confrontation in the hallway many months back, the angry girl has done little things to torment me. Her tactics have included trying to pit other girls against me, spiteful looks, and even a failed attempt to push me into one of the pig troughs. Good thing I caught myself in time.
But it’s annoying all the same. I have no idea why this woman hates me so much because I’ve done nothing to her. Nonetheless, I try to be the bigger person. I haven’t even told Shane and Stanton about Karina’s bullying, despite the fact that this sort of behavior is forbidden at the Lazy R.
I shake my head to clear my mind, and shovel my breakfast into my mouth. I’ve been more ravenous than ever lately, and the eggs taste particularly good today with the runny centers and slightly-burned edges. Mmm, a squirt of ketchup will make them even better.
Too soon, however, we’re being ordered to load up in a couple of different pickup trucks to make our way out to a faraway pumpkin patch. Ooh, that should be fun! I love the green vines and the ripe roundness of pumpkins. Maybe we’ll even carve a few Jack-0-Lanterns, just for kicks.
I climb into the bed of the truck and see that Karina’s already sitting inside. Just my luck. But the ride will be over soon, and I can handle it. The truck starts, and a few of the girls’ teeth are chattering against the chill morning air, but I find the crispness refreshing. We bounce over rough dirt roads, winding our way through the fields of the Lazy R. The sky overhead is a bluish grey, but tints of pink are already beginning to show themselves. It’s going to be a gorgeous day.
“All right ladies,” the driver calls as we finally pull up to the pumpkin patch. “Karina is team lead today, so she’ll be divvying up tasks.”
Internally, I groan. Whenever Karina leads she gives me the most disgusting part of whatever work is at hand. But outwardly, I try to keep my face neutral.
We gather in our small group, and I look around. I’m not that friendly with a lot of the girls I’m working with today, and in fact, most of them are part of Karina’s posse. While I wouldn’t say they’re overtly hostile toward me, we certainly aren’t close. I try not to think too much about this unfortunate detail, and instead brace myself for whatever disgusting task Karina might bestow upon me today.
The bossy blonde doles out chores, her tone as haughty as ever. “Juniper,” her sharp voice rings out. “You’re weeding.”
I nod, without giving anything away. It’s not the worst chore she’s ever assigned me, but it’s still grueling work. I don’t mind though – I appreciate the time to think and don’t feel like talking to Karina’s friends anyways.
We all head out to start on our various tasks. It’s colder than I originally thought, and I shiver slightly against the late winter breeze, wishing I’d brought another layer to wear over my light jacket.
I’ve been hard at work for about an hour, squatting among the massive vines, when suddenly I’m pushed hard from behind. I tumble forward into the dirt, almost hitting my head on a particularly large pumpkin. Soil gets in my mouth and I sputter while trying to spit it out.