Page 8 of Sharing Beauty (Possessing Beauty 3)
“You’re both princes, and I know the crowd you run in. And while I’m a little flattered, I’m sorry but I’m just not interested.”
“Yes you are.”
My eyes snapped to Cade, my jaw dropping.
“Excuse me?”
“You are,” he said plainly, grinning. “Interested, that is.”
“I beg your pardon!”
“Have a drink with us, Princess,” Caspian growled.
I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s—”
“One drink,” he murmured, stepping close again. “A drink, and if you still think we’re just feeding you bullshit, you can walk away. Hell, you can kick us out of the ball.”
I raised a brow. “High stakes.”
“You haven’t heard ours yet.”
A grin teased my lip as I bit it slowly.
“Our terms,” Cade growled with a quiet smile. “If you don’t enjoy yourself and still think that we’re giving you lines after a drink, you can kick us out of your father’s ball. But if you do enjoy yourself,” he grinned as he moved closer, and I could feel my breath catch, a salacious tease tickling down my spine and deep between my legs.
“If you do enjoy yourself, well…”
Cade just smiled as he trailed off.
“Well what?”
Caspian chuckled. “Why don’t we get that drink, and we’ll cross that bridge after.”
I felt that forbidden heat creep back into places it shouldn’t have as I caught my lip between my teeth and darted my eyes between them.
Yeah, it certainly wasn’t every day a girl had two handsome princes fighting over her.
They both turned, putting a hand out.
I hesitated.
This was becoming scandalous. Two princes who wanted to whisk me away and get drinks with me? This wasn’t exactly suitors ball etiquette, that’s for sure. Far from it.
Powerful hands enveloped mine as they turned and led me towards the bar, my heart pounding and my body tingling in a weird anticipation that I’d never felt before.
It was just a drink, after all, why was I getting so tingly?
And besides, I thought to myself. What happened if one of them did end up being as charming as his name suggested? These two seemed close — best friends besides being twin brothers. I knew it wasn’t going to happen — of course. But say I did find my prince charming in one of the Charmings that night. How could I find whatever I was looking for in one and send the other one away?
How could I choose?
Funny to think now how I didn’t have to worry about that at all.
Chapter 4
She looked nervous as she sipped her champagne, the three of us lingering near one of the bars around the ballroom.
Nervous wasn’t good.
Fuck, I didn’t know what was good, I guess. I doubted either of us knew what would happen when we’d approached her. What, that she’d instantly look at us and proclaim she had the same insane feelings we’d had with one look at her? What, that the crazy-person lightning that’d hit us had hit her too?
No, clearly Cade and I were fucked in the head. Clearly, going up to a princess like her, together, and telling her she was our dream girl or whatever verbal vomit we’d spit up before wasn’t the smoothest move.
The thing was though, we weren’t trying to be smooth. We weren’t trying to game her or give her lines like she thought.
We were just fucking captivated by her.
So no, we didn’t know what we were going to say when we went over to her, or what would happen, because it was all secondary. The primal need to just be near her had taken over. And now here we were, probably weirding her out in a major way.
“So, you two are here looking for soulmates?”
She said it sarcastically, but I could barely concentrate on her words. My eyes were still lost in those eyes, in the dimples at her cheeks, at the soft skin of her neck. The way her hair twirled and twisted up on her head like it was held in place by magic.
I was trying to ignore the darker, fiercer side in me that wanted to pull that hair loose and wrap it around my fist. The side of me that wanted to bruise those lips with mine, and claim that soft neck with my teeth.
The part of me that was dying to know what those lips would feel like sliding down my cock.
I shook my head, blinking and realizing neither of us had said a thing to her question.
Jesus we were fucking this up.
“Perhaps?” I said with a smile, shrugging.
She rolled her eyes. “Soulmates, huh? Really?”
Cade laughed. “Is it so hard to imagine?”
“For you two?” She barked out a laugh. “Yes.”
“Humor us. Why?”
“Why?” She grinned, taking a sip of her champagne and shaking her head at Cade and then me.
“Because you’re both princes.”
“And rich, gorgeous, sexy princes have a tendency to be looking for one thing, and it's not soulmates.”
I grinned, my eye catching hers. “So we’re gorgeous and sexy?”