Page 43 of Illicit
Chapter 14
The school grounds were littered with the usual suspects; of course no one missed me getting out of his car, or the way he came around to let me out; or the fact that he had his arm around me.
There were more than a few unhappy faces as we walked by, but I didn't care, I felt like I was part of the high school experience for the first time in my life. I had a boyfriend; at least I think I did.
"You most certainly do malenkaya."
See, mind reader, weird. By the time we cleared the doors I had already forgotten our trip here and the weird feeling of being followed.
A cold wind blew by me and the door slammed shut at my back making me jump. Through the glass slit in the door I saw that dark cloud out there.
It looked menacing and I felt those fingers of fear creep up my spine again before he wrapped his arm around me and walked away from the entrance.
I thought he would leave me at the first bell, but was pleasantly surprised when he followed me to class and took the seat next to me.
"Don't you have to get to your class?"
"This is my class."
"Keep it for later love."
I was confused, had he changed his classes to be with me? I got my answer when the teacher entered the room and saw him.
"Mr. Azarov, so nice of you to join us again. I was beginning to worry that my star pupil had flown the coop."
I could only look at him with my mouth open; this was his class? What was going on?
"Ssh, settle down Jasmine I will explain everything later, there's nothing for you to worry about."
That's easy for him to say; now I'm totally confused and feeling insecure again, had he left to avoid me? Lots of thoughts went through my head in just a few short minutes, none of them good.
But then he started tracing the curve of my spine with his thumb and I lost the ability to think.
I'm pretty sure I did things in class but couldn't tell you what, and by the time he joined me in the next, I'd forgotten what I'd been so worried about.
He wasn't in all of them, so I wasn't going to see him again until lunch. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do once I got there though. Should I go to his table, sit alone what?
I thought maybe he'd pulled his disappearing act again when I got to the cafeteria, but then I saw his sister beckoning me over.
I wasn't quite sure what to do with her, she did strike me as kind of strange with the things she'd said to me in the past, but she seemed normal enough today for someone who spoke without breathing.
This huge guy with biceps like pythons was also sitting there, and he got the biggest grin on his face when he saw me. Before I knew it I was airborne and being spun around like a rag doll.
"Release her." His menacing voice came from behind us and my heart dropped; oh crap. I opened my mouth to tell him nothing was amiss, but the behemoth beat me to it.
"Nuh uh bro, you gotta share."
"Bryce..." he stepped forward with his hands out to take me.
"Okay, okay, put the death rays away." The big lug put me down as gently as he would a newborn and stepped back still with his hands clasping my shoulders.
"Welcome to the family little Jazz." He kissed my cheek quickly with a cheeky grin for his brother.
Thorn pulled me back from his hands and under his own arm.
"Jazz this is my brother Bryson and my sister Natalia you already know yes?"
"Hi guys, nice to meet you." I think I was a little shell shocked if that was the right word for it.
Everyone in the cafeteria was of course watching all of this, and there were more than a few murmurs going around, as Thorn led me to a chair and seated me, before taking the seat next to mine.
He never stopped touching me, his arm resting across the back of my chair, or playing with the ends of my hair.
Each time he whispered in my ear it sent a thrill through my heart and I soon forgot about the eyes on us.
He watched me eat to make sure I had enough, but I'm pretty sure he didn't know a thing about the eating habits of teenage girls, because he tried to stuff me with enough food to feed a battalion.
"You must eat Jasmine."
"Yes I know but I'm quite sure no one except maybe Bryson could eat all of that." At which point the boy-man in question proceeded to polish off the food on my tray.
Something came up that evening and I didn’t get to meet his family after all. I didn’t mind too much since he stayed with me, though he seemed rather preoccupied.