Page 33 of Illicit
Could he read my mind? Was that even possible? He grinned down at me before pecking me on the lips. Holy crap, he'd just...and in front of my dad...and oh I'm gonna die.
No wonder I was willing to embrace death earlier, I had some sort of premonition that's why.
I looked to my dad who was now scowling and looking on as if he'd like to snatch me from Thorn's hands. "Who'd you say you were again boy?"
"Your son in law." Gulp...I looked from one to the other of them, as there appeared to be some kind of standoff in the making.
Why did I have to be sick? I would've so loved to watch this play out. But I was beginning to feel like Dante's inferno, so I had to put an end to it.
"Uh guys?" They both turned to me as if they'd only just remembered that I was there.
"Oh sorry Jazz, I can take her from here son, you go on back to school." I thought for sure Thorn would pay heed, after all Peter was looking rather fierce, not to mention he has a gun, but no. I should've known better. It seems my beautiful boy was the same with men as he was with boys.
"No." That's all he said before actually brushing past my dad and heading inside and straight to our couch, where he laid me down gently and covered me with the old afghan that laid there.
He didn't pull back right away, but instead leaned over me, his eyes searching mine. When he was satisfied with what he saw there he stood up and turned to my dad.
"Kitchen?" I looked to see what my father would do or say, but to my surprise he just pointed in the right direction.
"Who is that guy Jazz?" Dad whispered as soon as the coast was clear. I could only shrug as the reality was, I really didn't know.
"You don't know? Then why is he carrying you around and calling himself my son in law?"
"Thorn dances to the beat of a different drum dad, I'm the last person to know..."
"You may ask me anything you wish chief Tanning just not now, let's take care of her first shall we?" Thorn appeared in the doorway just then.
He turned and headed back into the kitchen, leaving dad with his mouth hanging open. "How did he...? Dad looked at me and twirled his finger next to his head in the sign of insanity.
"I think we've got ourselves a live one Jazz, you sure he's safe? I'm gonna run him when I get back to the station."
"Speaking of which, what are you doing home so early dad?"
"That boy called and ordered me home, said you were too sick to take care of yourself, gave me a list and hung up."
It probably wasn't the best thing to do to laugh, not only because it hurt like the very dickens; but it probably wasn't a good idea to confound dad's perplexity any farther.
Poor thing, he was more at sea than I was, it was good to know that I wasn't the only one that Thorn left wondering.
The man-boy in question came back into the room with a tray. There was a cup of hot tea, some pills and what looked like honey mixed with something in a tumbler.
He gave dad a look, which had him scooting off the coffee table where he'd been sitting while talking to me. Amazing, he even controlled my father with a gesture. Curiouser and curiouser by the minute.
"Come." He sat behind me on the couch, pulling me up into a half seated position, so he could hold the cup while I sipped on my tea.
There were hints of lemon and ginger and he'd sweetened it just right. My throat rebelled a little but he wouldn't let up, not even when I complained.
"All of it." He held the cup against my lips making sure I obeyed.
"She doesn't have to drink it all if she doesn't feel like it..." Dad tried butting in.
"Yes she does." He didn't even pick his head up when he said that. I could hear dad fuming under his breath, probably wondering who this usurper was who had come into his house and dared to tell him what to do with his own daughter.
I was too tired to intervene, so I just obediently sipped my tea until it was all gone, then downed what turned out to be a honey and lemon mix with a touch of something strong, maybe Pete's whiskey supply.
Next came the happy pills and I was once more laid back and covered. "Sleep." I got another kiss to the brow, this one coupled with a hand to my hair, brushing it back off my face, and he was up and leaving.
I felt stupid tears cloud my eyes; that's sickness for you, it makes you weak. It felt like he was deserting me for some reason, which was stupid.