Page 31 of Illicit
I didn’t answer him, just enjoyed what I knew would be the last time I’d ever be held this closely in his arms. I couldn’t go on like this; my heart couldn’t take it.
Thursday morning I awoke with a new purpose. I wasn't going to spend one more moment thinking about him.
I wasn't going to look for him in the halls, or keep my ears pricked for the merest mention of his name, or his whereabouts, like a lovesick little puppy; no more.
Whatever strange thing was going on here I was no longer willing to play, that one could drop off the edge of a cliff for all I care.
And I wasn’t going to moon over him anymore either. “And stay out of my dreams from now on.” I said that last out loud for good measure.
It felt great to reassert myself, if only in my own head. Mr. Azarov has taken up way too much of my time in the sparse two weeks since I’ve been here.
He hasn’t said anything to me about an us, just hard looks and once yesterday in the cafeteria he’d pointed a finger at me and motioned to another table when Mark had leaned in a little too close, to whisper something in my ear.
It hadn’t even occurred to me to disobey him. I’d just taken my tray with my salad and an apple, and slithered to the designated table with my head down.
What the others thought of my strange behavior I didn't know; hopefully they’d put it down to the awkwardness of my being new here.
I've been back to my uniform of jeans and T-shirts with Chucks since Anna’s experiment hadn’t gone over so well.
I guess that was the right course of action, since I haven't received any more glares thus far, but then again I might change that as well.
After all, I was putting the erstwhile Mr. Azarov behind me and moving on; so what I wore, or did not wear should be of no concern to him.
I wasn’t brave enough to risk it in the end when I got dressed this morning though, and played it safe, one thing at a time.
By first period I was feeling the effects of being caught in one of Havenhurst’ incessant drizzles one time too many.
My throat was inflamed and scratchy, and there seemed to be two people playing ping- pong in my head.
In short, I felt awful, but the thought of getting back into my old clunker and going back to an empty house was about as appealing as asparagus for breakfast.
By the end of the second period I was sure that death was only a stone's throw away and I was more than willing to welcome it.
In between classes I decided to rest against a cool wall, out of the way of traffic. With my eyes closed and head thrown back, I let my body sag.
I don’t think I’d ever felt this horrid before in my life. Maybe I should try to make it to the nurse’s station, but I didn’t have the strength, just the thought of moving made the ache worst.
I’d started my downward slide when I felt cool hands against my neck. Opening my now feverish eyes I couldn’t withhold the weak smile that spread across my face at the sight of his beautiful one.
He felt my forehead, with a worried look on his face all the while, before drawing me in close.
His lips against my fevered brow felt like heaven, and shattered my resolve.
And when he pulled me in tight against his hard chest I wanted to cry. No one had ever shown me such kindness with just a touch.
My eyes flew open when he picked me up in his arms like a baby. “Thorn?’ For an answer I received another kiss, this one to my hair, as he walked around the corner and down the hallway, where there were a few stragglers rushing to the next class, and out the door.
I didn’t even think to ask where we were heading I didn’t care. In his arms I felt safe and cared for.
I was almost asleep with my head on his shoulder when I opened my eyes in the nurse's office.
My beautiful man-boy didn’t ask any questions, just went right in and gave the nurse a nod before laying me down on the little cot they kept there.
I'm not sure what he said to the matronly older woman, but she was soon at my side with juice and pills.
I happily swallowed past the torture in my throat, while Thorn stood back against one wall, arms folded like a sentinel looking on as if to make sure she did everything just right.
Her soft motherly hands in my hair, brushing it back from my forehead was almost too much.
"You’ll be fine in no time Jasmine, just rest here for a little while; this delightful young man has assured me that he’s taking care of everything."