Page 21 of Illicit
For all that he was a thoughtless pig, who had just ran off without a by your leave, he was still kind of hot in his approach, the jerk.
I got a nice little surprise when I found my arm grabbed by someone outside my last class before lunch period. It was the pixie and she looked ready to skin someone alive.
“Hey!” I barked indignantly, this family was not on my friends list at all.
I started to ask her what the hell she thought she was doing, but she stopped us a little ways down the hall and out of the way of the hungry horde that was headed to the cafeteria.
“Did you accept an invitation to go to the beach on Saturday?”
What the hell, did these people have a spyware network or something? I know the place is small but this is ridiculous, first Mark and now her. Wait a minute.
“What’s it to you, do I know you?”
“Cute, look, if you go to the beach you’re asking for trouble, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“What, what does that mean, is someone out to get me or something?”
“What, one of these clowns? They wouldn’t dare. They know my brother would have their guts for garters if they touched one hair on your precious little head.” She rolled her eyes like this was something I should know already.
“Look I don’t know what’s going on with you and...him, but I’m going to the beach. If people want to go around handing out orders then they should stick around to see they get carried out.” I was feeling very brave here suddenly, I think I like this new assertive side, yeah me.
She shook her head at me, shrugged, and walked away; what was with them and leaving me standing in the halls looking after them anyway?
I watched until she disappeared from sight; now I’m back to being wary and unsure. I mauled my fingernails as I made my way to the cafeteria, my mind full of her somewhat dire warning.
Why should it matter to her brother what I did or where I went anyway? It’s not like he was willing to spend time with me, he’d disappeared for crying out loud.
Saturday dawned like every other day in Havenhurst, dreary and wet. I wonder how far away this beach was that there was going to be sun?
Dad had left earlier to go fishing with his old pal Barney. I guess he’d been ready to squash his plans if I’d stayed home, so this worked out for the best after all.
I didn’t want my dad feeling obligated to put his life on hold for me.
If this was going to work, then we had to do things as naturally as possible, and his weekly fishing trips with Barney was a staple.
I’d decided to drive myself instead of catching a ride with Mark or Ian; both of who had offered. Besides, if I didn’t like the lay of the land it was always easier to leave if I had my own wheels.
Dad had packed me an arsenal before he’d headed out at first light. There was mace shoved in with the sunblock, a roll of coins, some cash and every number to every deputy in town, which amounted to about three. I rolled my eyes as I put the bag over my shoulder and headed out the door.
I guess the pixie’s dire warning of doom and gloom was wrong, because nothing happened. I’d almost been expecting strange winds and black cats at midnight, or at the very least a raven or crow at my bedroom window, but nothing.
There had been that strange wind outside my window, but that’s been happening since I came here so, no.
I did feel a little apprehensive about going against his wishes, but that didn’t last long.
Obviously he had no real interest or he would’ve been here. I shrugged it off, along with the touch of sadness at the thought that even my dream guy wasn’t interested, and headed out the door.
The beach wasn’t exactly crowded when I arrived, but there were some people there I hadn’t seen before. Everyone seemed to be having fun, either surfing or playing Frisbee.
Boys surrounded Sara and Jane, and Michelle was learning how to use the boogie board from some kid named Cain.
I found a spot and sat, not quite sure what to do with myself. I’d never learned to swim so there was no way I was going in that water, and the sun burns me to a crisp.
Why had I come here again? Oh yeah, to have fun. Something I’ve not had a lot of opportunities to do in my past.
Though their idea of sun was a laugh compared to some of the places I’ve been, it was still a nice change from the constant drizzle back in town.