Page 39 of Buttons and Grace (Buttons 6)
If I ever grew bored of her.
Chapter 14
Crow stood at the bathroom sink with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror and shaved his face, removing the thick stubble that had developed over the past week. His green eyes watched his movements, and he slowly sliced away the line of hair before he rinsed off his razor in the sink.
His muscular physique remained the same even though he’d been in bed for a while. His stomach was still sculpted despite the stitches along his abdomen. The cast had been removed, but he still couldn’t make sudden movements. The only part of his body that seemed to have completely healed was his leg. He could stand on it without losing his balance anymore.
I was in the bathroom picking up dirty towels, but I got distracted looking at him.
His eyes flicked to mine in the reflection. “Yes, Button?”
“I can’t stare at you?” I asked, cocking my head to the side. “I am married to you.”
“I’m the only one that does the staring. That’s how this works.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
“I agreed for you.” He set his razor aside and splashed water onto his face, removing the shaving cream so he could pat his face down with a towel. He yanked the towel from around his waist and dropped it in my arms, where a bundle of towels already sat. Beautiful and buck naked, he walked past me, wearing a cocky grin on his face.
I turned around and watched him go, seeing his hard ass as he walked away.
I’d never get tired of looking at that. “How’s your pain?”
“That’s a big improvement.”
He pulled on a pair of boxers. “Yeah. It was the first time I slept through the night last night.”
I hated knowing he was in pain, but I knew it would pass eventually. We just needed to get through a few more weeks, and he would be back to normal. “That’s good.”
“Cane wants me to go look at a property with him.”
“A property for what?”
He opened his closet and pulled on a t-shirt. “For the winery. We’re opening a second location.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I guess I forgot to mention it.”
“So you’ll be in business together again?”
He grabbed a pair of black jeans and pulled them on. “Yeah. Since he lost the business, I think it’s the best thing for both of us. I could use the help, and he needs a purpose. Losing the weapons business was devastating because it belonged to our father. With the winery, it’ll be a family business again.”
“That’s true. I think it’s a good idea.”
“But we’ll also have our own space so we don’t kill each other.” He grabbed his wallet and keys and placed them in his pocket.
I looked him up and down. “It looks like you’re going somewhere…and you know you aren’t going anywhere.”
Crow wore a hard smile that made him look more handsome than usual. “Button, the doctor said I was fine.”
“No harm in taking it easy.”
“I can’t sit around anymore. I hate watching TV, and I’m not a big fan of books.”
“Because you can’t read?” I teased.
His eyes narrowed but in a playful way. “You’re asking for it, Button.”
“Am I?” Our sex life hadn’t been great lately. Anytime he made a move, I pushed off his advance because I didn’t want to risk him injuring himself. But I was definitely going crazy. I was only a month pregnant and the hormones hadn’t kicked in yet, but I definitely had a distinct craving for him.
“Yes, you are.” He walked up to me and gripped both of my ass cheeks with his large hands. “And I’m more than happy to give it to you.”
I tossed the bundle of towels on the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him softly, making sure the kiss didn’t escalate into something I couldn’t walk away from. When Crow had something on his mind, it was impossible to get him to stop. “Maybe later. I know you should get going.” I moved away from his embrace and licked my lips.
He stared me down with an intense expression, wanting something he couldn’t have. “I’m not going to keep waiting, Button.”
“You’re supposed to take it easy.”
“Like I give a damn. I want to fuck my wife.”
“That’s romantic.”
He grabbed my chin and directed my gaze to his. “You know we make it romantic.” His eyes shifted back and forth between mine before he pressed another kiss to my lips. It was quick and subtle but enough to make my blood warm. “When I get back, you’re getting on my lap, and you’re gonna fuck me hard. Do you understand?”
He was so bossy, but I liked him that way. “Yes, husband. I understand.”
* * *
Lars knocked on the open bedroom door and didn’t step inside. “Mrs. Barsetti, Miss Adelina is here to see you.”