Page 20 of Buttons and Grace (Buttons 6)
Crow watched me, turning serious now that Lars and Cane were gone. His eyes were slightly different because of the drugs in his system, but he gave me that intense look I’d come to expect from him. It was a look he only gave me. No one else in the world had the luxury of receiving that scorching expression. “All I could think about was you and our little one…”
I smiled when I heard him talk that way about our baby like he was already a part of our lives. I hadn’t known how Crow would react when I told him I was pregnant. He didn’t seem enthused about having a family. But he was so supportive, even if that wasn’t how he really felt. But now, he seemed genuinely excited. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be happy when I told you I was pregnant…”
He didn’t turn away from the comment. “I didn’t want a family. It was the last thing on my mind. But the idea of you being pregnant with something we made together…is pretty incredible. And thinking about the two of you while I was in Tristan’s captivity kept me going…kept me sane. It numbed the pain in a way medication never could.” His hand moved over mine. “I didn’t want our child to grow up never knowing me. I couldn’t let that happen.”
“And you didn’t.”
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’m telling Cane I’m leaving the business. We’re going to have a quiet life from now on. Just the two of us and wine. No more running. No more looking over our shoulders. I promise.”
I realized Crow didn’t know what Cane had sacrificed to save him. “Cane gave the business to the Skull Kings.”
Crow took a little longer to grasp information than he usually did. Until the medication wore off completely, his thoughts would be convoluted. When his eyes dilated and his jaw tightened slightly, I knew he understood what I’d said to him. “He did? Why?”
“He couldn’t round up enough men to save you. Everyone he called was too far away or there wasn’t enough time. I suggested we make a trade with them. In exchange for their help, Cane had to hand over the business.”
Crow’s eyes softened as he sighed. He looked up at the ceiling with one hand resting on his chest. His eyes shifted slightly back and forth as he thought to himself in silence.
My hand stayed on his. “That must have been hard for him.”
“He knows it was worth it. There was no other option.”
He turned his eyes back to me. “I guess that solves our problem, then.”
“I’m excited. Maybe I’ll finally be able to go shopping on my own now…”
The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Don’t push it.”
Chapter 10
I drove through the countryside and approached my house as dawn broke. I spent the evening at the hospital with Pearl and Lars. Pearl was exhausted from not sleeping much over the past few days, so I told her I would stay awake and look after Crow.
Even though he was fine.
When morning arrived, I headed back to my house outside Florence. The sun was rising above the horizon and sprinkling the fields with gold and green. Vineyards were everywhere, and the purple grapes looked deeper in color at this time of day. I pulled in front of the house and walked inside, knowing Adelina would still be asleep.
She was sitting on the couch when I walked inside, wearing one of my t-shirts and sporting messy hair. It seemed like she’d slept on the couch because there was a bunched-up blanket kicked to the side. “You’re home…” She nearly jumped off the couch as she ran into my arms. She crashed into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. It was a greeting a woman gave to her man after being separated for a long period of time. It was affectionate, loving, and the way her face lit up when she saw me was priceless.
She gave me something worth coming home to.
“How’s Crow doing? Is Pearl alright?”
“My brother is good. The surgery went well, and he’s supposed to go home tomorrow. Pearl is with him.”
“I’m glad they’re reunited.” Her cheek was pressed into my chest, so she turned her face so she could look up at me. “And I’m glad you’re home too. That nightmare is finally over. We can both sleep well tonight knowing there’s no one out there trying to get us.”
“Yeah, it’ll be a nice change.” I angled my neck down and kissed her on the forehead. I didn’t know why I did those sorts of things. I never saw Crow do it to Pearl, so I wasn’t sure where the influence came from. “And I’m very sorry about Lizzie.”
Her face immediately fell in sadness again. “It’s not fair that I survived and she didn’t.”