Page 62 of Buttons and Blame (Buttons 5)
“Thank you for saving me. It means a lot to me.”
“Of course,” Crow said. “You mean a lot to my brother. And if you mean a lot to him, you meant a lot to me.” He stepped away and waved for the physician to come over. “He’s gonna do a quick examination. Make sure you’re doing okay.”
Adelina eyed him warily.
“You guys can enter the first bedroom on the left,” Crow said.
Adelina immediately turned to me. “I want you in there too, Cane.” It wasn’t a request, but a command. She obviously didn’t want to be alone with a man she didn’t know. She was more scarred than I realized.
“Of course, Bellissima.” She never needed to be scared of anything again—not while I was around.
Santorini was the most beautiful place on earth. The Mediterranean Sea was deep blue and so clear, the islands in the distance stood tall like statues, and when the sun set, it was the most glorious sight I’d ever seen.
But it wasn’t home.
And I was alone.
I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I knew I needed to stay calm because I had a little Barsetti growing inside me, but until I heard that Crow was okay, I wouldn’t be able to sit still. I marched back and forth on my patio. The home Crow had bought was enormous, remote, and gorgeous. I wondered why he’d never told me about it. Perhaps it was in anticipation of times like this.
Lars stepped outside with me, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Ever since I arrived in Italy, I’d never seen Lars in anything but his tuxedo. Even if I spotted him in the kitchen in the middle of the night, that’s how he was dressed. I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept like that.
But right now, I didn’t care what he was wearing.
Lars stood at the balcony and watched me, his eyes full of sadness. “Mrs. Barsetti, it’ll be alright.”
“We don’t know that.” I placed my hands on my hips as I walked back and forth, doing my best to get air into my body and out again. “Lars, if something happens to him—”
“Nothing will happen to him, Mrs. Barsetti.”
“Please just call me Pearl.”
“Unfortunately, I can’t. I follow Mr. Barsetti’s orders even when he isn’t around.”
I dragged my hands down my face. “It should be over by now…”
“I’m sure we’ll get a call any minute.” Lars stood in front of me with his hands behind his back. He gave me a pitiful smile as he watched me suffer. “I’ve known Mr. Barsetti since the day he was born. I remember the day he came home from the hospital, his favorite toy, and the first time he was grounded. I’ve watched him grow into a man—the strongest man I’ve ever known.”
I searched his blue eyes, finding consolation in the image of Crow as a young boy, playing with his toys on the living room floor.
“He’s been the exact same man since the day he turned sixteen. His attitude, habits, and beliefs have all been the same. But when you came along, he changed again. He grew into a different man, an even stronger one—because he knew he had something to protect. There’s no doubt in my mind that Crow will come back from this. It’ll take a lot more than a few bullets to slow him down. So just relax, Mrs. Barsetti.”
* * *
It was two in the morning, and I sat on the patio looking over the water. The island curved to the left, so I could see the lights of the city. The waves crashed against the rock just below, but despite their soothing sensation, I couldn’t really enjoy it.
The phone was beside me on the table.
I checked it every half hour to make sure the battery wasn’t dead. I made sure it wasn’t accidentally off. I looked through my messages and ensured I didn’t miss anything. I should be sleeping right now, but I couldn’t.
Lars was wide awake with me, refusing to sleep unless I slept too. I wanted to sleep just for him, but I couldn’t.
I was a mess.
Crow should have called by now.
Why hadn’t he called?
Cane hadn’t called either.
Finally, the phone rang.
I lurched at it and answered the call while hitting a bunch of different buttons at the same time. I didn’t even check who the caller was before I answered, needing it to be my husband. “Crow? Are you alright? Tell me you’re alright. Are you there?” I talked a million miles a minute without taking a breath.
“Button, I’m okay.” His deep and calm voice sounded through the phone, the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard.
I closed my eyes as the tears streaked down my face. I went from panic to sobbing in less than five seconds. I heaved into the phone, my chest rising and falling as I hyperventilated over the line. My reaction was overwhelming, even to me. I had been so scared this phone call would never happen. I had been so scared Cane would call and say his brother didn’t make it, that I’d lost the love of my life.