Page 46 of Buttons and Blame (Buttons 5)
I hugged her into my body and pressed a kiss to her lips.
She kissed me back, but barely.
I wasn’t going to stop, so my hand reached underneath her shirt until I found her panties. I slowly pulled them down her hips.
She grabbed my hand. “Not tonight, Crow.”
I didn’t hold back the snarl that escaped my lips. In any other situation, I would just yank them off and do it anyway. But I took her voice on this matter very seriously. She was obviously distraught, and I wasn’t going to push her if she didn’t want to be pushed. I pulled my hand away. “It’s been three days.”
“Lots of couples don’t have sex for three days.”
“Not us.” I rubbed my nose against hers. “I know you’re upset right now, but shutting me out isn’t accomplishing anything. We should enjoy each other as much as we can. I’m your husband, and I have needs. And let’s not pretend that your needs aren’t the same as mine.” My hand moved up her thigh, and I gripped her ass. I watched the resistance fade in her eyes before I leaned down and kissed her again.
This time she kissed me back, her hand moving across my chest.
My hand moved to her thong, and I pulled it down again, this time making it to her ankles. My thighs parted hers, and within seconds, I was plunged deep inside her. I was balls deep in the pussy I was obsessed with, right where I belonged. She wasn’t as wet as she normally was, but it was definitely enough for us to move together.
I pressed my face to hers as I moved deep and slow, exploring her like I’d never felt her before. The arousal came within minutes, sheathing me to the hilt. Soon enough, she started to rock with me, to moan for me.
And it felt right again.
It was her and me—and no one else.
“Fuck.” I jolted upright in bed and thudded my skull against the headboard. I straightened myself out and gripped the sheets as I felt my bare back become exposed to the air. I was covered in sweat, and it slowly evaporated in the cool air.
I was breathing hard, my lungs screaming for air they weren’t receiving. I dragged my hand down my face, and I felt the sweat on the bridge of my nose. I was covered in sweat everywhere, and I was boiling hot. I kicked the sheets away and slowly took in my bedroom.
It was dark, and the sun hadn’t come up yet. I didn’t know what time it was, but it must have been a few hours before sunrise. I leaned against the headboard and ran my fingers through my hair, feeling more sweat.
The nightmare still lingered behind my eyes, the image impossible to forget.
She was in so much pain.
She was being tortured, raped, beaten…
Her tears haunted me.
She was calling my name, asking me to protect her.
She was dying.
She swallowed the pills and convulsed as the heart attack swallowed her up and snuffed out her life.
Now she was gone.
I couldn’t even out my breathing. I couldn’t calm down. The adrenaline was still thick in my blood, still painful in my veins. When my vision was clear, I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the living room.
I needed a drink.
The bedroom haunted me because it still smelled like her. Her clothes were in my closet. I saw them every day. Every part of the house was heavy with her ghost. But the bedroom was the worst place of all.
I made a drink and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and got the fire going, needing something to distract me from the horrific thoughts that were circling in my head. I couldn’t eat because I felt too guilty. I couldn’t sleep because that made me feel like shit too. I couldn’t concentrate on anything since I knew what she was going through.
It hurt so fucking much.
I wasn’t supposed to care. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she had to suffer the unfair consequences. If she were anyone else, it wouldn’t matter to me. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. I wouldn’t give a damn at all.
But now I couldn’t even function.
It shouldn’t be her.
I wished it were me.
* * *
The doorbell rang.
Who the hell stopped by to see me? Anyone who knew me understood I didn’t want to be bothered right now. I didn’t want to look at anyone’s face. My phone was still turned off. The battery was probably dead too.
I walked to the front door and spotted my brother standing on the other side of it.
What did he want?
I opened the door, giving him a threatening glare. “If you need shit done, talk to Bran. He’s handling everything for the time being.”