Page 36 of Buttons and Shame (Buttons 4)
My panties were soaked.
My clit was throbbing.
I couldn’t catch my breath.
I tried to fight the tension that started in my gut. I knew what it was even though I hadn’t been sure at the time. The stronger it got, the more certain I was. But I refused to let it happen, refused to allow my body to give in to what Cane did to me.
But he forced me to feel it. Forced me to experience it.
And then there was no going back.
Being with Cane wasn’t the same as with the others. Those men never kissed me. Their idea of foreplay was slapping me across the face until I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. Cane kissed me like I was the only woman who mattered.
I knew I didn’t mean anything to him. That wasn’t a mistake I would ever make.
But it still felt different.
Maybe he was just a good kisser. I wasn’t sure. But as much as I wanted to deny it, I knew one thing was certain.
I was attracted to him.
Why? I had no idea. He was softer than the others but just as dangerous. He broke the law for a living and agreed to take a slave as collateral until he got his money. I wasn’t naïve enough to think he was a good person.
He was just better than the others.
And that was the only reason why I was complying with his demands. I would much rather be with him every night than go back to that psychopath who only referred to me as “bitch.”
At least I enjoyed it—even though I shouldn’t.
I wanted these thirty-one days to last forever. It was the only break I’d had, and I wanted to hold on to it as long as possible.
I got out of the shower and dried my hair before I returned to my bedroom. I didn’t want to face Cane. He knew he made me come, and that was certain to boost his ego to new heights. It would probably make him want me more, not less.
The sun hit the window and stretched across my comforter, making a warm spot where I could enjoy the summer heat. I crossed my legs and sat in that exact spot, my face to the window. The sun hit my cheeks, and I closed my eyes as I absorbed the rays like one of the rosebushes in his garden.
I’d always lived for summer. I never cared for winter or fall. Now that the sun had been taken away from me, the window in my bedroom boarded up with plywood, it was a privilege I took for granted.
Now I took advantage of it.
Cane cleared his throat to announce his presence. He must have opened the door quietly enough that I didn’t hear it. “What are you doing?”
I opened my eyes and turned to him, realizing how strange I looked. “Just sitting here.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, his arms muscular in his t-shirt. He glanced at the window before his eyes turned back to me. “You know, you can go outside. There’s patio furniture and a nice view.”
I hadn’t left my room because I didn’t want to attract his attention. Like a mouse, I wanted to move about the house without being detected. I’d find a piece of cheese here and there, sneaking things without notice. “I’m okay.” I still hadn’t made direct eye contact with him, choosing to focus on his arms or his shoulders.
I remembered the way his shoulders felt last night…really nice.
“Have you eaten?”
“No.” This house was so big I couldn’t figure out where he was most of the time.
“Why don’t you head down and make something?”
“I will in a bit.” I just wanted him to disappear. I was ashamed to look at him.
Instead of walking away, he stepped inside and sat at the edge of the bed. The mattress made a noticeable dip under his weight. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, his back muscles rippling whenever he moved.
I tried not to stare.
“I want you to feel comfortable here, Adelina.”
It was the first time he spoke my name. He added an Italian accent to it, making it sound way sexier than anyone else ever had. It made my spine tighten the same way as it did last night.
“Eat when you’re hungry. Go outside if you want.”
“I guess I’m just used to being a prisoner…” I was used to trying to be invisible all the time. The less I drew attention to myself, the less punishment I got. If I didn’t remind Tristan or his men that I hadn’t eaten, then they didn’t hurt me as much. I starved as a consequence, but that was okay with me.
“You aren’t a prisoner here.”
I finally turned my head and looked him in the eye. When that stunning green color hit my mind, I felt my muscles relax in comfort. He wasn’t harmless, but I somehow felt safe with him. When we walked into that bedroom and didn’t fuck me when I asked him not to, I knew he was different.