Page 80 of Buttons and Pain (Buttons 3)
I tensed as he came closer, repulsed Satan himself. “I didn’t miss you.”
“Well, I’ll make you miss me.” When he reached me, he grabbed me by the wrists and held me firmly in place. “Shall we get down to it?”
I twisted out of his grasp then kneed him in the groin.
Bones stepped out of the way like he’d been prepared for me to strike. He grabbed my hair by the scalp then shoved me to the bed. My stomach hit the mattress and he used his weight to pin me down.
The panic rose in my throat and I had the urge to cry. I was terrified of the things he was about to do to me. I thought I could handle it but maybe I couldn’t. I’d endured months of his torture and I couldn’t endure another moment. “Let me go!” I tried to fight him but he was heavier than an ox.
He stripped my jeans away while he keeping me pinned then moved for my panties.
“Fuck you!” I tried to buck him off but I couldn’t.
“The harder you fight, the more I want it.” He shoved my face into the mattress to where I nearly suffocated. During that time he removed his own clothes until he was purely naked. “You have no idea how excited I am to fuck you.” He rubbed his cock between my cheeks, already marking me.
I couldn’t take it.
He fisted me by the hair and pulled so hard the strands nearly came out. “I want to look at you. And I want you to look at me.” He turned me around pinned my back to the mattress. Then he separated my thighs with his until he was positioned over me. His eyes landed on the stitches just above my shoulder. “What happened there, Slave? Was your husband as good to you as I am?”
The use of the word slave set me off like TNT. I shoved my fingers into the stitches that Lars sowed just the night before. Blood squirted everywhere and there was a good change I would bleed out and die. Lars warned me that was a serious possibility.
“What the hell are you doing? I’m supposed to be the one who hurts you.” He grabbed my wrist and tried to stop my but my other hand slipped inside the wound and pulled out the tiny blade I had inserted there. It cut my skin on the way out and hurt more than it did when I initially put it in.
But it was totally worth it.
Bones didn’t react because he was in total shock.
I finally got the blade by the hilt, and with all the energy I could muster I stabbed the knife directly into his chest and into his heart. I pushed with what little strength I had and made sure I didn’t miss my mark.
Blood oozed everywhere.
“You fucking…” He felt his chest but missed the knife. Blood squirted from his mouth and dripped down his chin. He coughed and spewed blood all over me.
I yanked the knife out and he bled even more. Like a gaping hole, everything rushed out. The life left him quicker and quicker. Right before my eyes he was dying, and all I cared about was making it as painful as possible.
I grabbed him by the back of the neck and aimed the knife again. “That one was for me. But this one is for Vanessa.” I stabbed the knife right in his eye and straight into his brain. This time I didn’t pull the knife out. I shoved his corpse onto the floor and watched it twitch until it lied still forever. The blood continued to ooze until it finally stopped.
I stared at him, trying to memorize this moment forever. I would use it to combat my nightmares and remind myself that he was gone forever. He couldn’t hurt me again, and he couldn’t hurt anyone else.
Now I had to get out of there.
My clothes were soaked with blood and I was a dead giveaway for a fugitive. I cracked the door open and saw two guards on either side of it. They clearly didn’t think all the noise they heard was unusual, just some perverted shit Bones was into it.
They both stared down the hallway, so I snatched one pistol from a holster before the guard had time to react.
When he realized the weight was missing, he turned around and looked at me. “What the—”
I shot him right in the head and did the same to the other before he could react. Both were dead and on the floor, pouring blood everywhere. Each one wore a bullet proof vest, so I took one and placed it on myself. I was going to have to fight my way out of here so I may as well get some protection. I took the extra gun and shoved it into the back of my jeans.