Page 61 of Buttons and Pain (Buttons 3)
But I was wrong.
Button pulled away slightly so she could look into my eyes. She listened to every word even though she couldn’t understand it. My voice was deeper than the man who originally sang the song, but she had no way of knowing that. I wouldn’t consider myself to be a talented singer, but I didn’t sound bad either. Her eyes watered slightly, and when the coat of moisture was present it reflected the white lights up above. They twinkled in her eyes like stars, glowing like the heavens.
She fell deeper into me, so I kept singing. I watched her hang onto my every word without understanding it. Somehow, she knew exactly what I was trying to say, that I pledged my life and loyalty to her, and to her alone. I’d never kneeled for someone. And I certainly had never sung for someone.
Only her.
When I finished the song the same look was in her eyes. She adored me even more than before, and her love had no boundaries as it continued to grow. Women looked at me with infatuation and obsession. But the look Button gave me was different. It was more than superficial and physical.
It was unconditional.
I wanted to tell her I loved her but I didn’t. She didn’t say it either because it was unnecessary. We’d been saying it to each other since the moment we met—just without words. I knew I would love her for all my life—until the day I left this earth and turned to dust. And she felt the same way.
Button stopped dancing and kissed me softly on the lips. “Let’s go upstairs…”
I felt her soft lips against mine and my cock hardened. I wasn’t in the mood for serious fucking. I wanted to continue to dance together on my bed, to move slowly together to music only she and I could hear. My body wanted to combine with hers and make her mine forever.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door. Our dirty plates remained on the terrace but Lars would pick them up the moment we were gone. Just when we approached the back door we were blocked.
Cane leaned against the doorway with his arms across his chest. A smug grin was on his face and his eyes were diabolical. “You guys were so cute I didn’t want to interrupt you.”
I’d never been more irritated to see my brother. “You’re interrupting us now.”
He shrugged then stepped back so we could enter the house. “It was such a good show that I couldn’t stop watching. Nice pipes, by the way.”
I should be embarrassed that he heard me. The teasing would continue for the rest of our lives. But I was going to give into his taunts. That song was only meant for Button. It was a shame he got to witness it. “What do you want?”
“A conversation.” He turned to Button and winked. “If she can spare you.”
“No, she can’t.” I pulled her closer into my side. “We can talk tomorrow, Cane.”
“Come on, I’m already here,” he said. “It’ll just be a few minutes.”
I wish I could kill him right now.
“It’s fine.” Button leaned into me and kissed the scruff along my jaw. “I’ll be waiting upstairs.” She moved her lips to my ear so only I could hear what she would say. “And I’ll slip into something a little more comfortable.” She kissed my earlobe before she walked up the stairs.
My eyes immediately followed her and honed in on her perfect ass. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to my brother at the foot of the stairs. I wanted to be buried inside my lover, my woman. When she was gone I turned on Cane. “What?” I didn’t bother hiding my disdain. I hated Cane in that moment and I wanted that to be perfectly clear.
He continued to grin like a goddamn idiot. “That looked romantic.”
I stared him down and kept my hands by my sides. They formed fists the second Button walked away, and I wanted to punch my brother in the face and break both cheekbones.
“I didn’t realize you were the dancing and singing type.”
I was about to snap. The only reason why I hadn’t was because Cane was my only family in the world. If he were anyone else, he’d already be knocked out cold. “Cane, spit it out. I have a woman to please.” All he had were expensive whores to do the dirty things he wanted. I had a woman who did them because she wanted to.
“Have you thought about our last conversation?”
“Cane, I never think about you unless I’m looking at you.”
He took the insult in stride. “Did you tell her how you feel? If you haven’t, you may not need to. You made it pretty fucking obvious out there with that serenade.”