Page 6 of Buttons and Pain (Buttons 3)
“I just meant—”
“I know what you meant.” After being a sex slave I should be so fucked up that I couldn’t find any reason to laugh. Maybe that’s how I would have turned out if I stayed any longer with Bones. Being with Crow put me back together. He showed me that I could still enjoy sex—love it—even after being raped. “When bad things happen you can let it defeat you or you can rise above it. I’ve chosen the latter.”
He continued to watch me with mesmerized eyes. “I think that’s a good attitude.”
I poured the milk into my bowl and took a bite. “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“Of course. Stay as long as you like.”
“So…when did you move here?”
“Less than a year ago. When I got here, I tried calling you to see if we could get together but I couldn’t get a hold of you. After some digging, I figured out what happened. I was a total wreck.” He stirred his cereal with his spoon with his eyes downcast. “I was so worried about you. That’s just terrible. I can’t even…” He shook his head and sighed. “You don’t need to hear this. I’m sorry. I need to be positive.”
“It’s okay. It’s traumatic for people who care about me too.”
He took a few bites of his cereal. “Does Jacob know you’re okay…?”
The police must have told him about my former boyfriend. “Yeah.” I didn’t want to talk about him, and I certainly didn’t want to tell Jason what really happened. He would demand I turn him over to the police. I wasn’t financially about to do that at the moment. I’d rather use him for whatever I needed than throw him behind bars. “He and I broke up shortly before it happened. We don’t talk anymore.”
Jason didn’t ask any further questions. He must have sensed I didn’t want to talk about him.
“So, why did you locate here?” Keeping the conversation light was good for both of us.
“I was offered a job in the city. The pay was too good for me to turn down.”
“That’s great. Good for you.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Honestly…I was kinda hoping that when I moved here you and I could…you know.” He rested both elbows on the table and looked at me. “I had a few girlfriends over the years but none of them were ever the right fit. I guess I kept comparing them to what we had. I didn’t appreciate it until it was over.”
I stilled at the topic, unsure how I felt about it.
He noticed my unease. “I don’t expect anything to ever happen between us. After everything you’ve been through I know it’s the last thing on your mind. I wasn’t making a move. I just wanted to be honest about my intentions when I moved here. That’s why I was so upset that you’d been taken. Broke my heart.”
“I’m not looking for romance right now.” I had to put that out there so there was no misunderstanding. Jason was just as handsome as he used to be and our relationship had been great. If we hadn’t moved apart for work we would probably still be together. We’d probably be married by now. But I wasn’t in any place to feel anything for anyone.
Jason didn’t seem to take offense to that. “I completely understand, Pearl. It’s off the table.”
I breathed a sigh of relief when he took my request so well. He seemed genuine about it, that he was helping me because he really cared and didn’t just want to hook up. Jason had always been a sweet guy. “Thanks…”
“Of course.” He finished his cereal before he left it in the sink. “I get off around five. I’ll cook dinner when I get home.”
“It’s okay. I’ll take care of that. I’ll pick up some groceries.” I noticed he didn’t have many options in the fridge.
He opened his wallet and set cash on the counter. “Alright. Here’s some cash.”
“I got it. But thanks.”
“Come on, Pearl. Please, I insist.” He pushed the money toward me. “Let me take care of you for a while. You just concentrate on getting better.”
I lost all my possessions after I was abducted so I had to start over. I went shopping and bought new clothes and toiletries. Thankfully, I had the cash from Jacob because buying a new ward robe was pricey.
I’d need to get a job as soon as possible.
By the time Jason came home from work I had dinner on the table and I was wearing clothes that actually fit.
“Something smells good.”
“Oh, that’s just my perfume,” I teased.
He chuckled and set his satchel on the counter. “Food flavored perfume—I like it.” He wore a suit and tie that highlighted his muscled shoulders and chest. He must work out every day to keep up that kind of form.