Page 15 of Buttons and Pain (Buttons 3)
I turned his away, feeling the threat in the air. My blood ran cold at the insinuation. I knew Crow was a dark man, but this was a whole new level. “Excuse me?”
“If you don’t work off the rest of those buttons, I’ll kill him.” He turned my way and the threat was in his eyes. He meant every word he said—to the last syllable.
“Leave him out of this.”
“No. He got involved the moment he touched you. And you aren’t his to touch.”
“What the hell, Crow? You can’t have it both ways. You can’t forget about me for two months and fuck an endless line of beautiful women, but then throw a hissy fit once I move on with someone else. It’s childish, even for you.”
“I haven’t fucked anyone.” He rubbed his knuckles with his thumb.
“Like I’m supposed to believe that.”
“Believe what you want, but when have I ever lied to you? We don’t lie to each other, remember?”
Even after all this time I still trusted him. If he said something, he meant it. The fact that made me feel better just confused me. I shouldn’t care whether he slept with anyone else or not.
“What’s it gonna be?”
“Are you going to pay of your debt or not?”
“Then I’m gonna kill him.” He massaged his knuckles while he held his gaze. “I hope you don’t think I’m bluffing. I’ve killed a lot of men. He’s just another name on a list.”
“But you don’t kill innocent people.”
“Innocence is subjective. He’s guilty in my eyes. He touched something that didn’t belong to him.”
“I’m not yours.”
“You’ve always be mine. And you’ll always be mine.”
When my heart skipped a beat, I looked away.
“I’ll give you a day to think about it.” He rose from the bed and pulled on his jeans. Then he walked out of the bedroom. “But if you screw him during that time, I’ll kill him anyway.”
Chapter Seven
I didn’t handle that well.
When I saw the GPS coordinate always spending the weekend at Park Avenue, I connected the dots and realized exactly what she was doing. She was sleeping over for the weekend then going home Monday morning.
So she was sleeping with someone.
Mr. Park Avenue.
I’m not sure what happened to me. All rationale thought left my mind and I turned into a psychopath. Red tinted my vision and the adrenaline saturated my blood to dangerous levels. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking and they kept balling into fists.
Before I knew it, I was on the plane to New York.
I shouldn’t have ambushed her like that, but again, I wasn’t thinking clearly. All I knew was I had to put an end to her relationship with Mr. Park Avenue. I had to stop it before she fell in love with him. Because if that happened, I would be too late.
I was at her apartment when she came home from work. She obviously expected me to be there because she didn’t react when she saw me on the couch. She set her backpack on the counter and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
“How was work?” I watched her stand at the counter in her t-shirt. It was tight across her chest and her slender stomach. It highlighted the deep curve in her waist, making her hips more pronounced. She was even more beautiful than I remembered.
“Good. How was sitting in my apartment?”
I loved it when she talked like a smartass. I found it oddly entertaining. “Good. I went through your underwear drawer. Nice selection.”
She rolled her eyes. “You better not have. I’ll kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you try.” When she fought against me yesterday I was so hard. I wanted to pin her to the mattress and fuck her until she screamed. I’d never gone so long without getting laid. The withdrawals were killing me. When my fingers felt how wet her pussy was I almost ignored the safe word and fucked her anyway.
At least she still wanted me.
“Why are you here?” She left the bottle on the counter and walked into the living room. She wore skin-tight jeans that hugged her thin, long legs. I’d never seen her in jeans before. She always wore dresses at my estate. “Why don’t you just knock on the door like everyone else?”
“You know why I’m here.” I ignored her second question. “What’s your answer?”
She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her tits further together.
If she wasn’t careful I’d bend her over the couch and fuck her then and there. “Don’t make me repeat myself.” I rose to my feet but didn’t take a step closer to her. This time I would give her space. I went overboard yesterday. My feelings were haywire and I couldn’t contain my rage.
I should have known she wouldn’t make this easy. “You think I’m bluffing.”
“I’m not.” It was unfortunate she didn’t believe me. “I’ll make it look like an accident. Accidentally slipped and hit his head in the shower. And when you move on and start seeing some other guy, I’ll do the same.”