Page 47 of Buttons & Hate (Buttons 2)
“I just talk to the shipping department. They said they’re a little short-handed down there and have to postpone the next delivery.” She placed her hands on the edge of his desk, her tight dress showing every curve she possessed.
If I could walk, I’d knock that bitch out.
“How many people do we need?” He turned back to his iPad.
“At least three.”
“Alright. Take care of it.”
Even though the conversation was over she continued to linger.
“Have you had lunch?”
Hell no.
“Yes,” he answered. “I suggest you take your lunch break soon. They’re there for a reason.”
“Well, maybe you and I could get an early dinner tonight. We haven’t talked in a while.”
Now she was just asking for it. “Hey, lady.”
She stiffened when she heard my voice from behind her.
The corner of Crow’s mouth rose in a smile, amused by the impending situation.
She turned over her shoulder and saw me sitting there, immediately noticing all the scars and bruises. “I beg your pardon. I didn’t see you there...”
“Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not here.” Crow told her I existed. He made it clear he was seeing someone. But she tried to snatch him anyway. “Crow has dinner plans tonight. And he has dinner plans every single night for the foreseeable future. So take a hike.” I snapped my fingers and pointed to the door.
Shock by what I just said, she stood there awkwardly. It took her a moment to decide what to do. It seemed like she was embarrassed but also irritated. “I should go...” She walked out.
“Cunt.” I said the words right before the door shut.
Crow rested his fists against his lips, trying to cover up a smile that just formed. “That was entertaining.”
“That dumb ho knows you’re seeing someone. She needs to keep it in her pants.”
“I think she will from now on.”
“She better. I’ll get a big stick and whack her with it.”
“How scary...” His voice dripped with sarcasm.
“When I can walk again I’ll definitely be a formidable foe.”
“At least she has a big head start.”
I narrowed my eyes to slits.
He matched my look with his signature intense gaze. He seemed amused more than anything else. “You’re cute, you know that?”
“Cute?” I asked the word in shock. “That word is in your vocabulary?” This brooding and mysterious man who had enemies that would give you nightmares knew that word?
“No. But you’re in my vocabulary.” He turned back to his iPad, dismissing the conversation.
Everything was different after he told me the truth about that woman. The fact he remained faithful to me, established a monogamous relationship with me, told me there was something here. Maybe he kept me as his prisoner at one point in time, but he let me go since. I was here by own my choice, having nowhere else to go. He told me his biggest secret, his biggest regret. Everything was different and nothing was the same.
After we had dinner we retired to his bedroom—our bedroom. All of my things were inside. My clothes hung in the closet, the drawers were full of my undergarments, and some of the masculine decorations had been swapped with the things that were left behind in my old room.
I didn’t have to pay him to sleep with my anymore. He stayed beside me throughout the night, and sometimes I felt his hand move for mine under the sheets at three in the morning. Once he felt my beating pulse, he pulled away.
“Why don’t you have a TV in here?”
“Why?” he asked. “Do you want one?” He stripped down to his boxers and got in the sheets beside me.
“Everyone has a TV in their bedroom.”
“I guess I prefer the fireplace. But I can arrange it, if you wish.”
“No. I was just curious.” I snuggled beside him, feeling safe. Security was a rare thing to experience. I’d spent the last nine months of my life being the plaything of someone else. My freedom was stripped from me and I had to obey someone’s command. But now I had my power back. And when I slept beside Crow in bed I felt protected from all the terrible things in the world. As long as he was there, I would be okay. I never needed someone to look after me, but now I clung to him with gratitude.
He turned off the bedside lamp and spooned me from behind. His hard cock was pressed against my ass but he didn’t make a move to be inside me. He remained absolutely still, slowly drifting away.
We hadn’t had sex in weeks. I wasn’t a sex-addict but I was frustrated with the abstinence. We used to get it on every single day and now there was no action at all.
If he didn’t make the move, I would.
I turned over and rolled him onto his back. His eyes opened with the movement and he stared up at me, his expression stoic. I straddled his hips then leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. My body ached with the effort because I wasn’t strong enough but my need drove me forward.