Page 6 of My Ward My Woman
I was happy that her dad’s family had finally taken an interest in her, thanks in huge part to mom who’d worked them like a pro. I didn’t mind so much in the beginning. Now I just saw them as usurpers who could take my girl from me.
I was losing my fucking mind. I needed to keep her at arm’s length, and yet the thought of her being taken from me filled me with anger and dread. I didn’t want her to grow up and yet…no, better not go there.
That day in my office I’d resisted looking down her shirt, had tried not to inhale her new womanly scent. Where the fuck had she learned to entice a man with perfume? And where had this flirtatious siren come from?
Try as I might, I couldn’t resist temptation and she’d caught me staring at her cleavage. Our eyes had met once I realized I’d been caught. Neither of us had said anything, but from the look in her eye I no longer had any doubts as to what she was up to.
That’s when the tug of war really begun. I tried to separate the man who’d raised her from the man who now looked at her as a woman. I tore myself apart with my wants, knowing they were wrong. But I couldn’t get them out of my head once they were planted there. And she was no fucking help.
After that day she’d seek me out, never letting too much time go by without seeing each other. If I hid out at the office she’d call, or her new thing now was Facetime. But now instead of the wild unhinged chatter about her day and what she got up to, she was more poised, more serious, and the conversations seemed to get longer and more intense. Scared the fuck outta me.
While I was struggling to convince myself that she was a young innocent and I was a sick fuck for wanting her, she seemed to be doing everything in her power to prove otherwise.
I waited for her to come right out and say the words, that way I could shoot her down once and for all. But she seemed wise to my ploy and never went too far in her torment of me.
Everything was subtly done. If she bent over in front of me to pick something up off the floor, her shorts showing her ass off to perfection, what could I say? If she leaned too close or held my arm too tight against her side, pressing it into her tit, with that innocent smile and those wide little girl eyes. How could I accuse her?
We were playing a game of cat and mouse I knew. One that would come to a head eventually. I just didn’t know as yet which side of the line I’d come down on. Would I remain her uncle Sol, or would I cross that line that was now stretched so tight I could feel the strain?
We reached her friend’s place in ten minutes and I held my hand up for my men to stay put while I took the steps to the front door two at a time. Before I could ring the doorbell, the door was flung open and it looked like a welcoming committee was standing there.
I recognized her friend Sonia, and I’m guessing the man and woman flanking her were her mom and dad. I stared the man down while ignoring his wife and kid. I’m pretty sure he knew I meant every word of my threat and could see the knowledge written in the fear in his eyes.
“Where is she?” He nudged his daughter who always seems a little skittish in my presence and now was outright scared. “She went downtown.”
“Alone?” The word came out as a shout. My gut twisted at the thought of my innocent girl alone in the city this time of night without her security. “Where?” The girl stuttered out an answer and I turned and left without another word.
My men were waiting when I came out and I told them where we were headed as I moved to the car. They all looked at each other with disbelief. They would know since they’ve been with me for a long time that she had never done this before.
I never let her go anywhere alone, least of all the cesspit of a city. I really am going to tan her little ass when I get her home to safety.
What was this about now I wonder? She’s been pushing the envelope more and more lately, as if she were waiting for me to cave one-way or the other. I can’t give her what she wants, what she seems to be asking for. Though she hasn’t come right out and said it, last night was the closest she’d come to telling me she wanted me to fuck her.