Page 50 of My Ward My Woman
“It wasn’t easy getting the truth out of him at first but he talked.”
“Good.” I left and went back to her, slipping the ring on her finger where it belonged. “Mom why don’t you get some rest. I might need you later.”
“I’ll be in one of the guestrooms taking a nap. Your dad isn’t going to be home until tomorrow anyway so I can stay as long as you like.”
“Thank you.” She brushed my shoulder as she passed.
I must’ve drifted off with her hand in mine because when I opened my eyes she was looking at me. Whatever was in that cream mom had been plastering on her face every two hours must have a magic potion, because the swelling was already going down and her skin had lost that yellowish tint.
“You ready for another pill? Do you hurt?” She shook her head as much as she could. “I don’t want to go back to sleep yet.” Her voice wasn’t as hoarse as before, and she talked with more ease. “Hungry?”
I picked up the phone to call down for more broth. “Solomon.” She held her arms out like a child and I got up and slid down on the bed next to her. I was careful, as could be when I led her head to my shoulder. “Is that good?” I felt her slight nod against my shoulder.
Taking her hand in mine, I brought it to my lips so she could see her ring on her finger. She started to cry and I turned to wrap her in my arms. I let her cry it out until her body grew weak and limp.
“Stop. No more tears over that monster. Besides, this was my doing. Had I protected you better none of this would’ve happened. I promised you that no one would ever harm you; I failed. Just know that the one who hurt you will never hurt you or anyone else ever again.”
“What do you mean?” Just like mom. She knew exactly what I meant I was sure, and her next words proved it. “Solomon, you can’t do anything. She’s having a baby, and besides, you shouldn’t…do what you’re suggesting. It’s wrong.”
“So you know who did this to you.”
“I guessed. But Solomon promise me you won’t do anything to her. Just let the police take care of it. I’m sure there’s a penalty for all this.” I let her talk and convince herself. I wasn’t going to make a promise I had no intentions on keeping.
I fed her the broth when it came and made her take another pill. It was growing late in the evening and I wanted this shit done before the end of this day. She had her fingers closed tightly into her palm protecting her ring. I knew for her it was what the ring stood for that meant more to her than the value of the thing.
My first stop was the doctor. After a lengthy talk with my lawyers, I already knew his demise. I will show no mercy to anyone involved. Mom had pleaded with me before I left. Her last words still rang in my head. ‘You can’t start a life with Alexandra with blood on your hands.’ Shit annoys me.
It looked like things were dwindling down at the doctor’s office. There was only one person in the waiting room. I went to the desk where a nurse in her fifties sat going through files.
“Is anyone back there with him?” She looked up at me over the rim of her glasses. “Who are you?”
“Not the question I asked.”
“He’s in between patients, this young lady is waiting to see him next.”
“She can wait.” I walked towards the back with her calling after me.
He was sitting at his own desk staring into space. He jumped when I walked in and got to his feet. “Can I help you sir?” I guess my men’s questions had really spooked him because he was looking a little green.
“Yes. Some friends of mine paid you a visit earlier.” I took the chair across from him as he dropped back in his chair with his head in his hands. “It’s like I told them…”
“Now you can tell me. All of it.” He looked scared as hell and kept looking towards the door as if he expected someone to come to his rescue.
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Try the beginning. How did she get you to agree to this?”
“I met her at a bar one night. We kinda hit it off you know. Look, I’ve been married for sixteen years, I was just looking for a bit of fun.” Like I gave a fuck about his marital problems. “Are you fuck stupid? Did I ask you about your fucking wife?”
“No-no, I was just trying to show you how it all begun. As I said-I met…Jessica, at a bar one night. She was with that friend of hers, Melissa. We talked for a while; she seemed interesting. I gave her my card and the next day she showed up here. We…” His face turned red and his eyes moved around like a ferret’s.