Page 47 of My Ward My Woman
“You can’t do that. I have nothing to do with what you’re saying. If the little tart got herself…” I turned a look so ferocious on her she took a few steps back and shut the fuck up.
“Be fucking warned, this is the last time. You even look at her shadow in passing I’ll wring your fucking neck.”
“I’m the mother of your child.”
“She means more, get use to it.” I walked away before I did something I’d regret. If I were a drinking man I’d find the nearest bar and climb into a bottle. How did my life get this fucked?
Instead, I went home to my woman who was asleep in my bed. Her poor little face was beat to shit. Her lips and both eyes were swollen, but the doc had done the best he could to patch her up. The good news is there were no broken bones and the cuts were too superficial to leave scarring. It was just the swelling I was worried about.
I let mom go from her vigil and she gave me a look before heading out the door. I know that look; that look said fix it. I plan to, but not tonight. Tonight I just want to hold her and be thankful that she’s alive.
“Solomon.” She called for me in her sleep just as I dropped the last piece of clothing on the chair next to the bed. I got into bed and pulled her gently into my chest. “I’m here love; it’s okay.”
I stayed up all night watching over her. Each time she cried out for me, I was there to soothe her. I woke early the next morning with a crick in my neck from sitting up with her in my arms. My eyes flew open as the previous day’s events came flooding back.
Her eyes were open and she was looking up at me. “Morning sweetheart, how do you feel?” She tried moving her jaw beneath the bandage that was holding her face together. The bruises were harsh and ugly in the morning light and made my heart hurt more.
“Don’t try to speak. Do you have much pain?” She nodded her head slightly and I rested her on the bed and got up to get some water and one of the pills the doctor had sent us home with. That reminds me, I have to make a run to the pharmacy to fill the prescription since there were only enough pills for today.
“Here.” I held her up so she could swallow before laying her back down. I needed to make a few calls but didn’t even want to leave her long enough to do that. Whoever had attacked her had done a number on her beautiful face. It smacked of female retribution. Only furthering my belief that Jessica was behind it.
“Did you see who attacked you?” She shook her head and tried to speak but all that came out was a croaking sound. She motioned for something to write with and I got her pen and paper from the nightstand.
She wrote of getting the text to meet. Immediately I felt the blame. Wasn’t I supposed to look into this White Rabbit person? How can I hold her team responsible when I wasn’t doing my part? I read where she wrote about being pulled into the dressing room and was grateful that that’s all she remembered.
She hadn’t seen her face yet and I wasn’t planning on letting her anywhere near a mirror until some of the swelling went down. I felt her head for fever but she was cool to the touch. The pills should be setting in soon and she’d go back to sleep.
I called downstairs for some juice and ordered Connie to make her some broth for later. She hadn’t been able to keep anything down the night before but maybe today she’d do better. I called mom while I was at it since I didn’t want to leave her alone while I went to the pharmacy.
If I’d been thinking I would’ve had the doctor call it in, but I didn’t and I didn’t have the first clue what the fuck he had written on the piece of paper in my pocket.
“Don’t leave me.” She clutched at me as I sat beside her on the bed trying not to jar her.
“I won’t; go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” I didn’t tell her about the pharmacy because I didn’t want her to worry. I figured I’d be back long before she woke up.
Mom showed up not long after and fussed over our girl the way only a mother could. I waited until she was out before leaving. First I had a talk with her team who had been working on getting the security tapes from the store.