Page 32 of My Ward My Woman
I know too much of anything eventually kills the excitement, but that wasn’t proving true here. It was quite the opposite. The more I had her, the more I wanted. I was still turning to her in the night, slipping into her for a nice sexy slow ride.
We’d usually roll away from each other afterwards until our bodies cooled and we missed the warmth of the other and turn to each other. We woke every morning wrapped around each other. Made me wonder what my problem was before. I never slept with anyone in my bed. I didn’t trust half the fucks I fucked; no way was I closing my eyes and being that weak in their presence.
With her, if I turned over and she wasn’t up under me, literally, I’d reach for her until she was back where she belonged. When we walked anywhere together, she always had her arm through mine like she was daring anyone to come between us.
It reminded me of all the women I’d had in her face when I didn’t know how she felt. And that would start the spoiling shit all over again. I was trying to assuage my guilt with diamonds and gold.
The phone on my desk buzzed and I picked up the receiver absentmindedly as I perused the spreadsheets in front of me. “Yes?”
“Miss. Paine is here to see you sir.” What the hell could she want? It had been months since I’d seen or spoken to her. Might as well see what she wants or she’ll make a pest of herself. “Send her in.”
I looked up as she walked in and felt nothing but aggravation at the interruption. She smiled at me, and the look in her eyes left me cold.
“Jessica what are you doing here?” She came farther into the office, more like sauntered in and leaned against the desk.
Looking at her now, comparing the overdone makeup and that hungry look in her eyes to my doll, I wondered what the hell I’d ever seen in her. If the hunger was for me it would make a difference. But I had long come to realize that whatever feelings she had for me were wrapped up in my millions.
I checked my watch and saw that it was almost time for Alexandra to arrive. I didn’t want my ex here when she did, her heart was still a bit sore when it came to my ex lovers. I know because she’s forever telling me about the hell I put her through while I was busy with other women. She’s a jealous little thing and feisty with it too.
“What can I do for you? I’m busy.” She played with the pearls around her neck as she looked around the room before turning her gaze on me. “It’s good that you’re sitting down, I have news.”
“What could you possibly have to say that would interest me?” What the hell are you up to now? I know her well enough to recognize the look on her face. It was only after we parted ways that I learned more about what she’s really like. Had I known her lack of character I never would’ve taken her to my bed.
There were rumors of spiteful doings against anyone of the female persuasion that she deemed a threat. It seems the trait went all the way back to high school. Her family’s money had kept her out of jail, and from what I heard some of the shit she’d pulled could’ve seen her behind bars for a long time.
“I’m pregnant.” That shit stopped all thought and had me reeling back in my chair.
“You’re what?” I couldn’t have heard her right. She moved around the desk to stand in front of me and placed her hand on my shoulder. My body went cold and numb and I shrugged her off. I composed myself long enough to ask a very pertinent question.
“I’m not sure why exactly you’re telling me this. I haven’t seen you in well over a month.”
“How silly, it takes time to find out these things. Apparently, it was that last time we were together.”
“I don’t see how. We used a condom.” I couldn’t feel my fucking fingers or toes.
“You know those things aren’t fool proof.” She rubbed her stomach and I felt my gorge rise. I looked at her for the longest time trying to come to terms with what she was saying. This would crush Alexandra. That was the uppermost thought in my mind.
This can’t be happening. I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. How can this be happening now? Just then Alexandra walked in. My beautiful girl had the most amazing smile on her face. That smile that always brightens up my day. We were supposed to be going somewhere, I can’t for the life of me remember where now.