Page 27 of My Ward My Woman
I can’t treat her the way I had all the women who’d been in and out of my life since I was old enough to understand that my dick was for more than pissing. In fact the wild urge I had to spoil the shit out of her was new.
When I’d spoilt my ward, it had been with things suitable for the child she was. Now my mind was filled with all the gifts I wanted to shower my woman with. Her spoilt ass is about to become even more so.
I took a sip of my scotch and rested my head back against the chair with a half smile. Now all her fucking antics made sense. She’d been reeling me in even before I caught her scent. How the fuck had she dealt with it? I’ve only known this need for her the last few days and already the separation of a few hours was more than I could stand. Eighteen fucking years old, and she’d tamed the beast.
I felt the excitement grow like a teenage boy the closer it got to the time she’d be walking through the door. “She’s taken my fucking balls.” No way was I letting her know that shit. She’s already a handful, if she knew the power she had over me my ass would never know peace.
Now that I think of it, she’d owned me in one way, or another since the day she became my responsibility. Nothing had to change. We already lived together. I just have to move her into my room. And then there’s the question of college in the fall. I’m pretty sure I’m not letting her go anywhere; hopefully, she wouldn’t give me too much shit over it.
I heard movement outside and got up to look. I watched her through the window as she parked and turned to wave sassily at her security team before running up the steps. She looked so happy, so carefree.
“I’m home.” I’ve heard that same greeting almost everyday for the past seven years, only this time it had a whole new affect on me. I heard her bag hit the floor before she raced through the house to me, calling out my name.
I held my arms open for her and she flew into them with a loud whoop. “Hey sneak.” She gave me a look before holding her mouth up for my kiss. I made my way to the chair behind my desk with our lips fused together.
When we finally came up for air, she was straddling my hips and my hands were full of tit. She pressed her ass down on my hard cock and rocked.
“Umm, you weren’t lying, you really did miss me.” She fought with my zipper until I decided to help her out and released my cock. She hiked up her little schoolgirl skirt and rubbed her panty-clad crotch up and down my cock.
I popped the remaining buttons off her shirt and pushed her bra out of the way so I could take her into my mouth. My hand went between us to push her underwear aside before lifting her enough to seat her back down on my cock. Her pussy swallowed me whole and I was still amazed that one so small could fit all of me inside her.
“Fuck me naughty girl.” Naughty because her pussy was already wet when I slid up inside her. “Why is your pussy so wet babydoll?” “It’s been like that all day. I couldn’t concentrate on a thing. I couldn’t wait to get back here to you, and this.” On the last word, she slammed herself down hard on my cock and shoved her tongue in my mouth. I guess the conversation was over.
“Go put on your best dress, we’re going out tonight.” Her eyes widened and her face split into a smile. “Really? You mean like as a couple?” We were heading out of the shower where I’d just done her against the wall after fucking her in my office chair.
Her body was pink from the hot water and excitement no doubt, when I clasped her to me. “Yes, like a couple.” I kissed her nose and put her away from me when she rubbed her towel covered pussy against my cock that never seemed to go down around her.
She whooped and ran from the room making me shake my head as she muttered some shit about needing time to get ready. Typical female.
I was dressed, ready and waiting downstairs for her when she made her way to the top of the stairs. I heard her coming and went to meet her. The first shock was the poise. Her usual teenage slouch as I fondly call it was gone. Instead, she stood tall and proud with her shoulders back and her head held high.