Page 20 of My Ward My Woman
The tight grip of her pussy around my cock, the taboo excitement of being inside her, was all too much and I almost shot off inside her too soon. “Why the fuck do you feel so good?” I made the mistake of looking into those beautiful orbs and the impact hit me like a ton of bricks. The longer I stared into her eyes the more I felt myself falling.
There was more going on here than a fuck. It was as if she was sucking my soul through my dick. Everything that was in me was laid bare in that moment. I’d never in my life felt this emotionally connected with a woman.
She was a natural, her body her scent, the way she moved under me, held me enthralled. I think I always knew she would do this to me. Knew that if I ever touched her it wouldn’t take much for the love I already bore her to become something more. Become…this.
I’d fought it as long as I could, my conscience was clear. I took my life in my hands and held her hips still while looking down into her glazed eyes. “Why did you stop?” You’ve got to be shitting me. My heart can’t take much more of this perfection, but I had something to say and she needed to hear it before we went any farther, before I emptied my seed into her unprotected womb.
“You belong to me now Alexandra; every beautiful inch of you. I will do with you, as I please no argument. From this day on you’re mine completely in and out of bed. I own you, all of you. I hope that’s what you wanted, because it’s too late to turn back now.” I thought for sure those words would scare her, but I should’ve known better.
“I’ve always been yours Solomon, you’re the one who wouldn’t accept.” She pulled me back to her and our tongues dueled each other as I fucked into her nice and slow. My innocent baby was taking my cock all the way inside her. She was a fucking marvel.
“I love you.” She said the words into my mouth around my tongue. I can’t put into words the feelings that enveloped me then. It felt like my heart opened just a little more and she invaded the only place she hadn’t yet been. I was all hers now and I fucking knew it. “I know.”
Her love, which I once feared would be a burden, made me feel lighter as we whispered to one another. I told her how perfect she was, not just her sex. I made promises, something else I have never done, never thought I would ever do. She drew it all out of me.
“I’m going to do you hard now, I’ll try my best not to hurt you.” She nodded sheepishly and braced herself as I lifted her ass in my hands once more, spread her legs open and fucked my cock in deep.
I fucked her harder, finally letting go of the control I’d held on a leash until now. My teeth marked her neck, her chest, anywhere I could reach, until I sucked her pearled nipple hard into my mouth and pressed down on her clit with my thumb.
Her pussy sucked hard at my cock as her hips sped up and I felt my nuts draw up to my body and my cock jerk and spit inside her. “Fuck, cum for me baby; I need you to cum.”
“Solomon…” She clutched at me, her eyes widened in fear as she looked up at the madman who was fucking her into the bed so hard it was about to break. “I’m here baby. I’m here, just cum.” My gut hurt from trying to hold back my release. I wanted our first time to be together. Wanted to fly among the stars with her wrapped in my arms.
“What’s happening Solomon? Help me.” She strained against me, her body lifting off the mattress before I slammed into her one last time and pinned her beneath me. She screamed in my ear as her pussy juiced and my cock let go.
I lost sight for a split second as I felt nature leave me and enter her receptive body. I wasn’t sure, but I had a pretty good idea what just happened. I had the fleeting thought that she was too young, but not even that could take away from the immense pride I felt at the thought that I had just bred her.
When I finally came back down and my vision had cleared, she was out cold beneath me. “Alexandra!” I was afraid that I had gone too far, fucked her too hard. Just when I needed my infamous control most it had deserted me. I berated myself for a good minute before a finger on her pulse confirmed she was still breathing. She’d only fainted.