Page 93 of The Returned
I let my mind go to what I had coming in the next day or so. Going over the plan in my head, working out the kinks. I can fuck myself but good if I mess this shit up, but I don’t plan to. I’m not about to let anything take me away from her and our children.
I didn’t have it all worked out yet, but I could at least take care of the first leg of this thing. I wonder what Mindy would say if she knew that her being granted bail was the worse thing that could’ve happened to her.
I got a sense of satisfaction knowing that she was feeling secure right now. That she thought she had the system beat and even more that my hands were tied.
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t expect me to be the kind of man to seek revenge. She probably expects this shit to be swept under the rug like everything else in her life to this point. But she’d be dead wrong.
I planned this shit down to the last minute. Mom and dad shown up in the early afternoon and never stopped going from the time they arrived until later that night when they fell into bed in one of the guest bedrooms.
My wife and kids had spent way too much time on the beach and I knew the fuck I threw into her in the shower after we put the kids to bed would knock her ass out for the rest of the night.
All I had to do was get where I was going and back without being pulled over. For this part I’d used Google maps to map out the back roads between here and there and timed myself virtually about a thousand times.
I made good time getting there and once ascertaining that no one was about, made my way into the house I never thought I’d be visiting again. I could never have envisioned this eventuality either, so there.
I used the key that had once been left out for me in the off chance that I came by on a whim. Back then I never had any intentions of using it, but now I’m glad I’d paid attention all the same.
It was easy to turn off the alarm. I knew that code too, given to me by the home owner in good faith. I wasn’t too quiet when I made my way to the back of the house where the bedroom was located.
I stood in the shadows watching the figure on the bed and wondering how the hell things had come to this. I felt the weight of the gun in the small of my back but made no move to retrieve it. That was too easy.
I made my way to the head of the bed and looked down, before tapping her cheek to wake her. Her eyes flew open with surprise as she tried to make me out in the dark.
I reached for the bedside lamp and turned it on. Neither of us said a word for a good minute before she moved to sit up in bed. I moved back to let her and she looked around as if expecting to see someone else.
“So, you’re here. I guess you have a lot of questions for me.” She sounded like she was discussing a job offer or some shit. I could see it now, that off kilter light in her eyes.
She got out of bed and grabbed the robe she’d left laying there, taking her sweet time pulling it on over the night shorts and tank like she really thought there was a possibility that I might be interested.
I followed her out of the room and into the kitchen, being as nonthreatening as I possibly could be. She wasn’t acting at all in the way you’d expect for someone who’d been caught doing the shit she had.
She offered me coffee or something to drink like this shit was a social call. “I only have one question for you.” I used to have plenty, but now I don’t really care why her crazy ass had taken my woman, I pretty much know the answer to that.
“And what might that be? Oh of course, you want to know why, why I took your precious wife….”
“What would’ve happened if I’d gone ahead and married you? What did you plan to do with my children then?” Her blank stare sent shivers through me. That one burning question has been plaguing me since the day I found my children in that place.
Of all the horrendous shit she’d done, that shit is the one that haunted me most. How close had I come to causing the death of my children, and or my wife?
She made herself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen island before turning back to me with a smile. Do you remember when she first left, the first time I invited you over?”