Page 68 of The Returned
I’d had everything planned down to the smallest detail. As soon as word that she was trying to become pregnant reached my ears I’d started putting things together. Nothing had been left to chance.
And it would’ve all gone smoothly had the two idiots I hired to keep an eye on her hadn’t screwed up. I released a breath of frustration as I looked into the room.
Two pairs of teary eyes stared back at me as they stood in the crib holding onto the top rails to hold themselves up. They were growing so fast these two. I felt the anger ease just a little bit as I looked at them.
I had such hopes for them, for all of us. We were going to be a family. I’d dreamt of the time we could all be together. The first part of my plan had failed miserably. I’d failed to get Cade into my bed.
But plan B had done just as well, until now. There’s still hope though it’s not too late. I just have to think. There’s always a way and if there isn’t…I’ll make one.
It didn’t take long for me to come up with an idea. “Of course, why hadn’t I thought of that?” All it would take is one phone call to get the ball rolling. It’s a long shot but at least it will buy me some time.
“What’re you guys doing here?” I stood in the doorway blocking their entry. Not very inviting of me, but I was still a little raw from our last run-in.
“There’s been a development.”
That fucking smirk is going to get him killed. “Come in.” I knew he didn’t mean that he’d found my kids because of the look on his face. I moved aside to let the detectives in just as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Good morning Mrs. McClintock, we’re here to see you.” I didn’t like the way he said that as they both came in and headed in her direction. “Hold it. What the fuck is going on? I told you if you had any more questions to call before coming….”
“That’s not how this works sir. Like I said, we have a new development. We received an anonymous tip that we need to follow up on. Mrs. McClintock I’m sorry but you’re going to have to come with us.”
“The fuck are you talking about? She’s not going anywhere.” I placed myself between her and them as she clutched the back of my shirt nervously.
“We just want to question her…”
“You can do that here, now back the fuck off. Zandi go grab my phone. Our lawyer is the third number in contacts.”
I didn’t take my eyes off the two detectives as she left the cover of my back and ran into the kitchen where I’d left my phone earlier.
“What the fuck is this about? What anonymous call?”
“We’re not at liberty to discuss that with you. Our questions are for your wife. There’s no need to make things difficult McClintock.”
“I will never hand her over to you. Not fucking ever. You can question her here or wait for my lawyer to meet you down at the station.”
“Okay everybody calm down.”
Here we go again with this good cop bad cop bullshit. “Tell me what this is about or get the fuck out of my house.” She came back with the phone and passed it to me.
I gave my lawyer a quick rundown and his advice was to stay put until he got here. He had a very good question that I hadn’t thought to ask. “You have a warrant?”
“No, we don’t. Like I said, we just have a few questions.”
“No, what you said was that you wanted to take my wife in for questioning. She has nothing to say to you without our lawyer present.”
“You do realize that this only makes it look like she has something to hide.”
“No, this looks like I don’t trust you and with good reason. The lawyer’s going to be here in ten minutes. You want to do this here or no?”
He tried the same old stare down from a few years ago but it didn’t work any better this time around. “Fine, since you’ve already called the lawyer why don’t we wait for him.”
It was obvious that he wasn’t pleased with this turn of events, but now that the drama was over I was more curious about the call. What kind of call could they have received that sent them to my home ready to take her in?
True to his word Gavin showed up eight minutes later loaded for bear. “Warrant?” He didn’t greet anyone just walked right in with his briefcase in hand and stopped in the middle of the room where the two men were sitting.
“We don’t have one, we just have some questions for the lady…”