Page 51 of The Returned
She doesn’t take any shit from me, and loves putting me in my place. But she does it in such a way that I don’t realize she’s cut me down to size until after the fact.
I didn’t take her to meet my family in those first few months, didn’t share her with anyone. Until I was absolutely sure that I was ready to put my ring on her finger I didn’t see the point. She would be the first woman I take home to meet my mother, which isn’t something I take lightly.
Mom had been hounding me for weeks but I’d kept putting her off. So when I finally told her that I was ready for her to meet my girl, she started hyperventilating because she too knew the significance of such a move on my part.
That day I hid her ring in my pocket and was just waiting for the right moment to slip it on her finger. I wasn’t going to ask her to marry me again because that shit hadn’t worked the other one hundred times I’d tried.
So that night after dinner with my parents I drove her home to my place. She gave me that signature sneer of hers when we pulled into the parking garage, a very pointed look, which I ignored.
She’d already made it clear in more ways than one that she wasn’t about to jump into my bed anytime soon, and surprisingly I didn’t mind waiting. Another first! So when she refused to get out of the car and I had to drag her out I rushed to explain that I hadn’t brought her there for sex.
Once upstairs I sat her down and kneeling on the floor at her feet took her hand in mine and slipped the diamond in place. I was nervous as fuck but played that shit off like it was no big deal.
Of course I knew we were gonna go a round or two before I got my way. But this time I had no intentions on losing this ongoing battle.
Of course she fussed and tried taking the ring back off, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that the day she removed it, is the day she loses me forever.
The fact that she immediately stopped trying to take the ring off her finger was all the answer I needed. The look in her eyes was heart wrenching, so much fear.
Because I understood her fear after our time together, I softened my approach as I held her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. I knew that the next few minutes would decide our fate, and as much as I wanted this, I wanted it even more for her.
No one else will take care of her the way I want to, not even close. There isn’t another soul on this earth that could ever love her the way I do. And knowing all that I know about her, I’m certain that I’m just what she needs. Someone who would make up for all the loss she’d suffered thus far.
“If you refuse this, it’s the same as refusing me. Is that what you really want to do?” I squeezed her hand when there was no answer forthcoming and her eyes still held that hint of desperation. My scared little girl!
“You’ve made it more than abundantly clear that you’re not a good time girl and I know you’re smart enough to know how I feel about you by now.” I squeezed her hand and kissed her knuckles.
“You’re also perceptive enough to know what kind of man I am. I wouldn’t put my ring on your finger unless I wanted it there, unless I wanted you.” The light finally changed in her eyes and some of the tension eased from her hands.
“In the last few months we’ve grown closer and no matter how much you protest I’ve come to know you as well as you know me. I know what’s in your heart.” I placed my hand over her chest. “So what’s the point of denying it?”
There was stark terror in her eyes now and I pulled her from the chair and into my arms. Sitting on the floor with her on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek reassuringly.
She was actually shaking now and any minute I expected her to have a panic attack. “Breathe baby, take a deep breath, that’s it.” I rocked her gently on my lap and murmured softly to her.
“It’s going to be okay. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Haven’t I shown you in these last few months that all I want is to take care of you?” Her lips were sealed tight.
I knew exactly what her problem was, so I also knew that the only way around her worries was to show her instead of just telling her what was in my heart. But to do that she was going to have to give me a chance.