Page 28 of The Returned
They had only two theories two years ago. One, I’d killed my wife and got rid of the body, or two, she’d ran off to be with some phantom man that they’d made up in their minds.
I wanted to put my fist through his face back then too. “Wherever she was, she’s been drugged and starved. She did not leave on her own.”
I didn’t try to hide the anger in my voice. It’s best he know now that I’m not going to put up with his shit this time around.
I’d taken it in stride the last time because all I cared about was getting her back safe. Now that she was back with me I no longer felt hindered in my movements.
“Okay, calm down, we’ll get to the bottom of it, but first we need to ask her some questions.” He made as if to walk around me to enter the room but I got in his way.
“Well she’s out of it right now, so you’ll have to come back later.” If he even tries to go around me this is going to end badly for him. Fucknut!
I was looking for any excuse to get some of my own back. I didn’t give a fuck that he wore a badge either. If he says the wrong damn thing, make the wrong damn move I’ll make him eat that shit.
He must’ve seen it too, the intent in my eyes, because he backed down without putting up much of a fight. That was new. Last time he stayed in my face because he had the upper hand. Now the tables were turned.
“Here’s my card, call us as soon as she wakes up.” I could tell from their body language and the look that passed between them that they had already drawn their own conclusions, just like before.
It didn’t matter, if I have to figure things out myself then so be it. I’d hired a P.I. back then who’d had no luck finding her either. Not even a trace. But he’d done the best he could I was sure of it.
I’m not sure how much help he’d be this time around, but I won’t know unless I give it a try. I sure as hell ain’t about to leave shit up to the two incompetent fucks that just left here, so I guess I’ll be giving him a call soon.
For now I went back to the room where my family were sitting, waiting and still whispering in disbelief. They stopped talking when I walked in.
I went to my wife’s side, still no change. She looked so peaceful, so still. “You don’t have to stay, I can call if there’s any change. The doctor has no idea when she’d wake up, there’s no point…”
I stopped talking when my mom got up from her seat and came over to stand beside me. “We’ll stay as long as you need us to son.” The sound of tears was still heavy in her voice.
They’d been such rocks, always there for me when I was at my lowest. I couldn’t tell them now that I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, with my wife.
I needed to get my head together and I couldn’t with everyone around. I wanted to be alone with her when she wakes up. I just want her to open her eyes and look at me; nothing else matters.
The door opened again but I didn’t turn to look this time. “Mr. McClintock… a word.” The doctor stepped into the room and held the door open for me to follow him.
I held my hand up to stop my family from following after me as I followed him out of the room. I was already bracing myself for whatever he was going to tell me, expecting the worst.
He seemed nervous, like he didn’t quite know how to say whatever it was he needed to. “What is it, what’s wrong with my wife?”
My gut twisted itself into a tight knot as fear gripped me. No fucking way. I couldn’t have found her only to lose her again. I won’t accept that.
“Was your wife pregnant when she disappeared?” The question hit me in the gut and my knees weakened. It took me a second to find my voice and get the words out past the lump in my throat.
“Why do you ask that?” The day Zandi disappeared she’d called me all excited about something. She refused to tell me what it was on the phone, only that she’d tell me that night over dinner.
For two years I’d turned that conversation over and over in my head, because I’d believed she was going to tell me she was carrying my child.
We’d been trying for a few months, it was something we both wanted and was ready for. That’s why I knew that she hadn’t left on her own.