Page 9 of The Billionaire's Wife
She squirmed around on the seat and I remembered the way she’d acted that night in the alley. Damn, she’s responsive. It was almost as if she’d been struck by the same lightning bolt as me.
“I guess I like the way you look, the way you talk. But don’t let it go to your head.” I couldn’t help grinning at her, something else I hadn’t done much of with a woman, not since my teen years anyway.
“Do you have any family?” I’d only asked her about herself so far, so consumed with wanting to know everything about her, that I’d neglected to ask about that.
Plus I hadn’t wanted to get into too much in the short amount of time we got to spend with each other in the restaurant.
“Just my mom and my little brother, my dad died when I was younger.”
“What about a boyfriend?” Greg said she wasn’t married but she was too fucking gorgeous not to have a man. I really didn’t give a fuck if she did or not. By the end of this night or the next she’s going to be mine completely. I had the ring in my pocket to prove it.
“I don’t have time for that, between work and school, I’ve got a full plate.”
“You said you were taking some time off from school, you plan to go back?”
“Yes…of course.” There was a story there but I didn’t push for now. There’ll be time enough to get to all of that later.
“Okay, here’s the big decision, don’t forget what I said about taking chances okay. I have a proposition for you.” She sat back like I’d slapped her.
“No not that.” I reached out to her. “Give me your hand baby.” She held her hand out and when I took it I felt the slight tremble there.
“We’re getting married princess. You may not understand it right this minute, but trust me neither one of us will have much of a life if I let you go.”
“Are you nuts? You don’t even know me. What the hell?” I reached out to touch her face. My little beauty was nervous as hell and trying to hide it behind her attitude. “Besides, I didn’t think you even liked me since you think I’m snooty.”
“Not true, I’ve been having the hardest fucking time keeping my hands off of you.” Plus the fact that you had more of a reaction from me touching your shoulder, than my fiancée had the one time I’d fucked her a million years ago. But that was better left unsaid for now.
“Wait a minute, aren’t you supposed to be engaged?” From the way she turned up her nose I got the impression she didn’t approve my choice of fiancée.
“That’s a very long story, but suffice it to say no. I wouldn’t be here telling you we’re getting married if I was engaged to someone else would I?”
“Who the hell knows. Is this some kind of joke? Seriously, I don’t have time for…” I stopped her by covering her lips with mine. She did that melting thing again and my heart leapt.
I couldn’t believe the affect I had on her. The shit made my dick hard as fuck and if I didn’t get her out of here fast our first time was going to be in the back of my damn car.
“We gotta get going princess.”
“Don’t you need a license to get married?” She was playing for time, trying to makes sense of what was going on.
“We’ll get everything we need, just say yes.” Not that I needed her to agree I just wanted to give her the illusion that she had a say.
That mouth of hers wasn’t for show. I had no doubt she was a fiery one, that she’d give me shit if I didn’t at least give her the appearance of a choice.
“I think you’re nuts.”
“Answer me.” What the hell was I supposed to do with this shit? Is this how the rich do things? This man has known me all of five days and he’s asking me to marry him. How does he know I’m not a money grubbing skank like that thing he was planning to marry?
After the first night he came into the restaurant tongues had been wagging. I’d never paid much attention before when the others were having gossip hour but that night I was all ears.
I learned all about his fiancée Brittany and the fact that she had hot crotch. It seemed inconceivable to me that a man like him, what I’d seen of him so far anyway, would fall for that shit. But then again, the rich played by different rules.
Now here he was asking me to marry him. “So if this isn’t a game, which I have to tell you if it is I’ll maim your ass; how do you know that this will work?” Was I seriously thinking of doing this?