Page 7 of The Billionaire's Wife
I had to get out of the restaurant for some fresh air. There was a spot in the back where the others go to have a smoke break. Everyone else was inside so I was alone to lick my wounds.
I’d hoped and dreaded seeing him again tonight. I knew nothing would or could come of it, but I just wanted to see him one more time.
I felt like I’d lost something, something that I never had. “He can never be yours Alana girl so stop dreaming.” Men like him don’t marry girls like me outside of a Hollywood set.
I felt someone behind me and thought it was nosy ass Nancy coming to stick her nose in my shit. “Don’t you have tables to tend to chick? Take your meddling ass inside and leave me alone.”
I’d made the mistake of looking at him too long last night and she’d caught on. Today before the shift started she’d teased my ass no end about it. I shoulda knocked her lights out.
“I see I’m not the only one you use that waspish tongue on.” I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice. I turned to see him standing behind me in the darkened corner.
“Oh it’s you.” I composed myself and hoped he couldn’t see me that well back there. I felt sad for some stupid ass reason, and since I always wore my feelings on my face I was sure it was there for all to see.
“So do you always act this snooty, like you’ve got a chip on your shoulder?”
“I don’t…I’m sorry, I have to go back in.” Why the hell did I feel like crying? Hearing him say the same thing everyone else has always accused me of left me feeling gutted as I turned to walk away.
Her shoulders drooped as she turned and walked away. But not before I saw the tears in her eyes. Shit, now I feel like a heel. I never want to see that look on her face again.
How was it possible to feel this much for someone I hardly knew? I’d heard the words she’d muttered to herself and they gave me hope, but seeing her looking this dejected made my heart burn.
It was so out of the norm of my sphere that I had a hard time believing. But she’d touched me since the first moment I laid eyes on her, and I knew in my gut, that what was between us went much deeper than a simple attraction.
“Princess I’m sorry, come back…STOP.” She’d kept walking when I first called out but stopped short when I yelled.
She still kept her head down as I walked over to her. I put my hand on her shoulder, gently. Her body shook, it wasn’t a flinch, or a cringe; it was more like….
“Are you shitting me? Is that why you’ve been giving me so much lip? Come here.” I took her hand and drew her back into the corner that was littered with cigarette butts.
It was a good thing it was dark back here because if she’d seen the predatory look on my face just then she would’ve bolted. That little telltale shiver had given so much away.
I didn’t think, didn’t hesitate, just took her face in my hands and kissed her. She melted into me. There was no other word for it. I wrapped my arms around her and licked her lips before pushing my tongue inside.
I think I stopped breathing when she opened and accepted me. She was sweet and soft and mine. I groaned into her mouth and ground my cock into her middle before I could help myself. Before I knew it I had picked her up in my arms and was holding her close.
Her scent was amazing, as if all that beauty wasn’t enough to make me crazy. Her breasts which were hidden in the double breasted jacket she wore were plump and firm against my chest and I wanted in her so bad I growled. “Fuck!”
I had to pull back before I went too far. Before I did all the things my head was begging me to and fucked her right here in this filthy little alleyway where anyone could catch us at any minute. For her this was only our second time meeting, for me it felt like I’d been waiting a lifetime.
I pulled my lips away from hers after giving them a few nibbles. I didn’t want to let her go, but it was too soon.
I knew I would be spending another restless night in my bed without her and as much as I wanted to beg her to come home with me, I wasn’t about to cheapen what I felt for her.
Have you ever been held tight against a rock solid unyielding body? You only know it’s a body because you can feel the cords and sinews, not to mention the strong beat of his heart because he’s holding you so tight that you’re almost one?