Page 28 of The Billionaire's Wife
She was asleep in bed, my little pain in the ass. I stripped and hoped her ass didn’t wake up before I climbed into bed and got some sleep. I was running on four hours of sleep and coming off of a sixteen-hour workday. Now I have to traipse halfway around the world after her ass.
I slid in between the soft sheets and sighed with relief. She knows damn well I can’t sleep without her. Sap that I am, as soon as I felt her warmth I pulled her into my arms. She screeched and tried to brain me. “It’s me princess.”
“Oh, you. What are you doing here? What do you want?” I rolled my eyes at her bullshit and rolled her over onto her back. Feeling around between her thighs under the short silk negligee I found what I was looking for and used three strokes of my fingers to prepare her for my cock. I slipped inside her before her snippy ass could stop me and held still.
“What are you doing in Paris? I left you on Central Park West at seven o’clock this morning your ass get on a plane an hour later?”
“Didn’t your network of spies tell you? I came to shop.”
“What? Fifth Avenue closed down for renovations or some fuck.”
“I’ll thank you not to use that language with me Chance Winthrop. Asshole. Besides, I didn’t think you’d miss me. I’ve seen you a total of ten hours in the last two weeks.”
“Babe, I told you I had this new merger...”
“Are you going to fuck me or annoy me? Either use the dick, or lose it.” I bit her jaw and gave her a good jab with my cock. Here, in bed, is the only place where I can control her. The only place I can get her little ass to behave.
I stopped moving and just looked down at my beautiful girl. “I love you, you know that right?” All kidding aside I hate that she feels like she comes second in my life. I never want her to feel this way, never want her to doubt her place in my life.
Before her I worked like a dog because I loved the thrill of the chase, loved closing the deal. Since meeting her, she’s added so much more to my life, and now, now I work for her just as much as I ever did for me.
Now the game has changed. I never used the money I made for anything more than just to have it. Sure I jetted around the world and rubbed shoulders with those in the know. But all that shit was nothing compared to the joy I get from seeing her happy.
The way this one lights up at the sight of a new handbag from the most elite designers in the world, would keep me working sixteen hour days for the rest of my life.
“Sure you do, that’s why you leave me alone so much.” She really meant it, and she was hurt, I could see it in her eyes.
“You really believe that baby? You think I’m away so much because I don’t love you?” I brushed her fly away curls back from her face. Such a beautifully perfect face. And the woman behind it, the woman who owns my heart as much as it’s possible for one person to own another, shouldn’t be feeling this way.
“Sometimes. When we first met we spent almost everyday together. You were never too busy for me. Now it feels like I hardly ever see you anymore and when you’re home you’re on your phone.” I guess I hadn’t been doing as good a job as I thought in making her feel like part of my life.
“I’m sorry baby, I never meant for you to feel this way. Please believe me, nothing can be farther from the truth. Tell me you believe me.” I hope like hell she does. It hurts me to think that I was hurting her.
She lifted her hand to brush my hair, but the look in her eyes still pierced my heart. “Let’s make a baby.” Her eyes really lit up then and I felt like a total bastard. She was right. I have been neglecting her needs for my own.
I’d told her we should put off having kids for at least two years. Two years in which we would get to know each other as man and wife before adding someone else to the equation. And then what do I do? I spend all my time chasing the next deal.
“You mean it?”
“Yeah princess I mean it.” I started to move again, with my lips pressed tightly against hers.
How could I have put this in danger? How could I have so foolishly taken her, and what we have for granted? “Never again baby.” She moved with me my sweet girl, so forgiving even when her husband was a complete ass.