Page 26 of The Billionaire's Wife
We didn’t have an argument over her the way I’d expected and life settled down to something resembling normal after a while. We were cruising along fine, I was getting used to being the wife of a very influential man and having people go out of their way to be nice. People who wouldn’t have spit on me if I was on fire.
We made plans together at night when we were alone in bed after we’d made love, and I’ve never felt so secure and loved in my life. We were gonna put off having kids for a little bit which was fine with me, though sometimes I ached to have his baby.
The beast that birthed him still showed her ass every so often but after almost a year I’d learned to ignore her. It wasn’t her insulting me that finally threw him over the edge, but what she did to my mom.
Chance had decided that he wanted mom to come out and spend some time before the big move, which was taking forever because she had to say goodbye to the whole Jersey Shore. He knew I was feeling lonely since he wouldn’t let me go back to work and school didn’t start for a few weeks.
I was very excited to have my mom come and stay with us. Chance insisted his mom come to dinner so she could meet my mom who I threatened with a quick death if she didn’t behave herself.
For once mom was on her best behavior, but I could tell from the sour look on cunt muffin’s face that she was not pleased. I’d ran into her and that Brittany chick once in what I knew was a setup and when I told Chance he sicced a security team on my ass.
I hadn’t said two words to either of them, I could see from the green envy on her face when she saw the jewelry that Chance was always buying me, and the thirty thousand dollar bag that her broke ass wish he was buying her, that there was nothing needed to be said.
Anyway mom had insisted on making dinner; giving the cook the night off. She wanted her new son in law to try some Caribbean food and she knew she could throw down in the kitchen.
Everything was going well even though this twat waffle refused to join in the conversation, but then mom, in a bid to include her asked a simple question and Beelzebub’s bed wench went ballistic.
“Why aren’t you eating your food Lillian, is it not to your liking? Maybe I can offer you something else?” She turned this look on my mother like you won’t believe. I’m a bitch and I don’t think I’ve ever looked at anyone like that before.
“Excuse me? You’ll offer me something else, like you’re the hostess here? This is my family home. It’s been in our family for generations. We’ve never had this influx of…ethnicity here except for the help before my son went and lost his faculties and from the carrying on I heard the last time I stayed here I can well imagine how your daughter managed to trap him.”
“One can only hope that he would come to his senses soon and go back to his own kind. As to not liking this slop you’ve prepared, no I can’t say that I do. We’re not accustomed to such…plebeian food I guess you could say. I think that’s something else my son has picked up since he went slumming.”
I was halfway out of my chair. Yes sir this snaggle toothed bitch from the gates of hell was going down. No one insults my momma. But before I could say anything, Chance held up a hand for silence while he looked dead at her.
“How dare you? How dare you come into my home and insult my family? This is Alana’s home now, your reign here ended the day dad died and it passed on to me as it will to our son one day.” I thought that bitch was gonna choke.
“As for that influx of ethnicity, I think it will add some much needed dignity to the family tree and I can’t wait to get it started. I didn’t say anything to you when you attacked my wife before because I know she can hold her own, and I wanted her to know that she did not have to look to me to stand against a family member.”
“She’s as much a part of this family as I am, she has the right to defend herself. I also know she can take you in her sleep, because she’s strong and brave and so fucking honest I can’t believe she’s real.”
“What’s more, she’s the woman I love, the one I chose. And she’s a hundred times better than that thing you were trying to shackle me with.” You coulda heard a pin drop. I didn’t know he had it in him woot.