Page 22 of The Billionaire's Wife
I know what her problem is. She doesn’t have the guts to come out and say it, but I’d already heard the whispers. More than the fact that I was a college dropout working at a restaurant for tips, it was my smooth brown hide that had her panties in a twist.
“Well I never.” She was back on her shit again. “You never what you sanctimonious bitch? Didn’t anybody ever teach you any manners? You’d think with all this money you’d have had at least one etiquette lesson. Even I know you don’t sit at someone else’s dinner table and act the damn fool.”
I was talking really fast now to get it all out, because this has been a few days coming. Chance hadn’t said or done anything since he choked on his five dollar a bottle water, and I don’t trust his nutty ass no how.
Old horse face was fit to be tied. “Son aren’t you going to tell this…this person she’s not allowed to speak to me like this?” She puffed up her chest and her face had become an ugly shade of puce.
“You’re both adults mother, at least I think you are. All I ask is that there be no bloodshed, at least not at the dinner table.” Oh shit, he was using that cultured tone of his, which meant some shit was about to jump off.
I’ve only heard that tone once before and would never forget the ice that ran down my spine when I’d heard it. He’d been talking to some dude that had got a little too close to me.
That was my first clue to his jealous streak. I never thought it would be used on me though, and definitely not this soon, but something’s gotta give or I’ma chuck the bride of Chucky out the damn upstairs window.
You see for the past four days since she’s been back from wherever the hell she’d gone to recuperate from the news that her son had married a sister, this hag from the depths of Hades has found her ass over here like she didn’t have a home. Trifling twit.
Her excuse was that she was helping me get settled in, but so far all I can see is her trying to make me crazy.
“I’ve never been treated this poorly at my own dinner table in my life.” She huffed; so bitch go home, wait a minute.
“Your dinner table?” I looked at him then because there’s no way I was living with this nut bag. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat; just easy as you please, he lifted his wine glass to his lips and with his eyes looking dead into mine took a sip.
These two people are trying to kill me. Oh well, since he wasn’t going to do anything I guess it was all me. Had she shown me an ounce of decency in the past four days I would’ve been kinder. But since she saw nothing wrong with treating me like shit she could suck it.
“I thought you had your own house. As far as I know this is my dinner table. You wouldn’t like me to sit here talking about the women your husband bagged on the regular when he was alive…” Good, the bitch almost choked on a piece of chicken; at least it’ll keep her yap shut for the next two minutes.
I heard the chair scrape back and thought he was getting up to go save her, because if it was left up to me that twat-muncher would die where she sat, hateful hag. Instead I felt his lips on my ear. “Upstairs, now.”
Well shit! I was just getting started. I wasn’t dumb enough to disobey him though. Since our wedding night I’ve known this one’s got a bit of the devil in his ass too. He can get a bit nutty when he doesn’t get his way.
And what’s this shit with him sitting there saying nothing while she insults me? He’s lucky he fucks like a Trojan, doesn’t get tired, and his touch makes me forget my own name or I’d be out the damn door.
How the hell do I get myself into these things anyway? I left the table with my head held high and didn’t look at either one of them. I felt a little better when I cleared the door and heard him tell her to can it though.
I wish I was brave enough to hide behind the big ass doors and listen, but somehow I knew I was in enough trouble as it is. Like I said, I’ve been getting to know hubby very well.
He wasn’t long in coming up the stairs after me. I was pacing back and forth worrying about what he was going to do. It was only here in the privacy of our rooms that the full weight of what I’d just done set in.