Page 6 of The Wives
I left before she could argue any farther, heading back out to the yard I caught Marcy's attention, Janine hadn't been in the kitchen when I passed through which meant she was probably in her room sulking waiting for me to come placate her, not gonna happen, not this time.
"Hey Marce change of plans we're going out."
"What all of us?" She removed the muddy gardening gloves and started towards the house.
"Nope just you, me and the rugrats."
She gave ne a knowing look over her shoulder before sashaying into the house, our date was still on the only difference was instead of having family dinner we'd take the kids out, this way I get to spend time with them and with the one female who wasn't devising ways to castrate my ass, fucking women.
Chapter 3
It's not easy handling six kids out in public all under the age of four, I'd brought the twins along because I knew it would piss Anna off, shit I can be petty too, I'm only human and if they couldn't appreciate the fact that I busted my ass to make sure we were all good, then too fucking bad. Let them stew for a little while, anyone thinking of doing this shit needed their heads examined, one woman was a pain in the ass to begin with, why the fuck I decided I needed three is a mystery.
Marcy and I packed the kids up in our behemoth custom made Escalade, shit was a house on wheels there was enough space to pack the kids in three in a row and then another seat in back to fit all three women though one was usually up front with me riding herd from this end while the other two took care of shit from the back.
"You ready munchkins?" They all grinned at me with their chorus of dada and readies except the twins who were just looking around like what the fuck?
Believe it or not we had a pretty good time, maybe because we went somewhere that was kid friendly and had crayons and toys to keep them occupied while mommy and daddy ate mouthfuls in between feeding them. Jason and Justin were pretty content to sit in their carriers gnawing on their fingers as they took in the sights and sounds while lady Chelsea lorded it over her brothers the lesser beings, I could already see she was going to be just like her mothers, maybe I should pitch for all boys in the future.
"So you want to tell me why we're hiding out in here?" Marcy was trying hard not to laugh at my ass so I gave her a look, which did nothing if her burst of laughter meant anything.
"What the hell is wrong with your sisters anyway? You women sit around all day deciding on ways to make me crazy or some shit?"
"Nah, we just like keeping you on your toes, it makes life more interesting."
"We'll see how interesting you three find it when I put my foot in your asses."
She just rolled her eyes at me and went back to her garden burger and sweet potato fries.
"That abomination is a waste of a good American staple."
She looked from me to her burger."
"That's no burger, they ought to find another name for it, like saw dust or some shit."
"Why don't you just eat your side of e coli and leave me alone?"
"That's funny, I could swear most of the food recalls in the last year and a half have been spinach or some shit like that."
She poked her tongue out at me and went back to eating. After two hours of spoon feeding two two year olds, a one year old and overseeing one three year old kid who thought she had it covered it was time to head back to the battle station.
“Don't forget nothing gets in the way of spa night so make sure whatever happens in there I don't get screwed over no pun intended."
"What am I a slab of beef?"
"Best looking slab of beef I've ever seen."
"Smart ass, let's get these kids inside."
The two culprits were of course sitting together watching TV, figures they put me through shit and then make up like nothing happened, of course they usually did that while picking over my carcass, like I cared.
I barely got a glance from each of them before they went back to what they were doing; the silent treatment, I think they learned that shit in wife one oh one. Don't make any difference to me one way or the other, which they were all pretty much aware of but that didn't stop them from doing it.
With the kids settled and night closing in hard I put thoughts of discord and contention aside. As a man with three women to satisfy on a constant basis sex was more than plentiful but each experience was unique and deserved to be treated as such. I never approached my personal time with any of them as something to be taken for granted, I'm highly sexed yes, I'll be the first to admit it but for me it's about more than that. I like making them feel good, like the way they come alive under my hands. I enjoyed the differences in each one and was thankful everyday that I'd hit the jackpot when choosing my wives.