Page 3 of My Roommate's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 15)
Suddenly Lucy’s face appears on my phone screen. I swipe the green bar across the bottom of my phone to connect the video chat. She looks like a glowing Madonna with baby Harlow suckling at her breast.
“Rose! How are you, girlfriend? How did work go tonight?” Lucy exclaims as she answers the phone.
I smile ruefully.
“Well love, to be totally honest I’m feeling pretty fucking awful.”
Her face falls. “Oh no, what happened?”
I blow out a stream of air.
“The guy was just so horribly awkward and I felt really bad for him. I mean, how do human beings like that even exist?” I ask my friend. Compassion fills her eyes.
“Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m sure he’s fine, if he can afford a date with you. Plus, at least it’s just one night! I’m certain tomorrow’s date will be better,” she tries to assure me.
That just makes my shoulders slump.
“But that’s the thing. It won’t be! And even if by some miracle it is, it’s just one night. It will be a different man the next night, and the night after that. And really, it’s wearing on me. I can’t remember names and faces anymore, it’s that bad. I almost called John “Henry,” and vice versa. One day, it’s going to get me in trouble.”
Lucy’s eyes are compassionate.
“What are you trying to say, Rose?” she asks gently. My friend knows me well enough to know that this is much bigger than a bad day at work.
“I want to change my life, Luce!” I exclaim. The words feel like they come flying out of me, and tears spring to my eyes from uttering the truth. I have had the underlying thought for some time now, but this is the first time I’ve ever said it out loud. It feels good to finally get it out there, and even better to hear the words reverberate through the phone mic. It’s silly, but it feels like this is the first step in making my aspiration come true.
“How so?” Lucy asks gently.
I shake my head.
“I never meant to become an escort. It was just a way to pay for school so that I could get that much-needed degree. But unfortunately, it just grew and grew and grew. I couldn’t find a good job after graduation, so I came back to this,” I tell her.
“But there’s nothing wrong with escorting,” Lucy says gently, shifting the baby a bit. “It’s just dinner and drinks most times. You’re not doing anything illegal.”
I shake my head miserably.
“But I don’t want to be an escort anymore. I’m tired of these monotonous dates. I’m tired of living on a tiny income, and it’s not like I’m going to be “promoted” at City Girls. There’s no such thing as a promotion in this line of work. And not only do I not want to do this for the rest of my life, I couldn’t even if I tried! I’m only getting older, and soon my boobs are going to sag to my knees and I’ll have wrinkles on my face. What client would want me then? I have to find another option before it gets too late.”
Lucy is patient.
“Well, what do you want to do then?”
I shrug miserably.
“You know I love history, but there are no paths forward in that field. Literally zero right now,” I say. “I don’t have any other marketable skills either. I feel like I have nothing,” I say in a soft voice, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry,” Lucy says. “Don’t feel bad! Everyone comes upon career bumps and jumps, it’s normal. But wait, what if …?” my friend begins, her face perking up. Her voice is growing more and more excited with each word as the thought springs to life. “What if you started your own escorting business? Then you wouldn’t have to worry about growing old, and you wouldn’t have to go out on dates either. You could send other ladies out for the night, and just take a cut of their pay.”
I’m flabbergasted.
“You mean, open my own agency?”
She nods excitedly.
“Yeah, why not? Think about it, Rose. You know the industry inside out. You know what the clients expect and how to keep the girls happy so that they want to work with you. I can’t think of a better person to run an escort business actually!”
“I suppose it is something I would be good at.” My voice trails off a little as I picture myself in this role. “It sounds really fun too. But could I really go up against City Girls?”
“Well why not?” Lucy clucks. “You know everything they do right and wrong. You could start a fresh, better, escorting service for New York City.”
I think for a moment, my mind whirring.
“Oh my god, Lucy. I can’t believe I am actually considering this!” But then my excitement fades. I make a face into the camera, my lips tightening in hesitation. “But do you really think I could do it?” Her eyes grow wide at my admission of self-doubt.