Page 32 of My Alien's Baby (Draci Alien 2)
Shak leads us into a part of the house I’ve never seen before. Most of the bedrooms are upstairs and off to the right, but Shak leads us left from the main room and down a hallway to a small guest bedroom.
And okay, he said the doctor was waiting, but I still can’t stifle my gasp once we open the door.
Holy shit, it’s an alien. A real, live alien.
I mean, I know Ezo and Shak are— But just…holy shit.
In front of me is a man-like creature. He isn’t as tall as Shak or Ezo but he’s still intimidatingly large. Red-hued orange scales glint as he turns to me. His face is smooth, not scaled, but he barely has a nose. It’s just a small bump on his face, barely there.
And, oh yeah, he’s naked. In my quick glance taking him all in, though, it’s hard to miss… Well, what’s missing.
The guy doesn’t have a dick.
Is that like, a doctor thing with Draci? They make them be eunuchs or something?
“I did not know they came in pink and blue.” The doctor frowns at me.
Apparently he’s been checking me out the same way I have him.
“They’re just tattoos and hair dye.”
But he doesn’t acknowledge that I’ve even said anything. He just looks to Shak and then Ezo. “If the specimen will lay down here,” he gestures towards the bed.
Shak growls and the doctor’s head snaps his way. He immediately corrects himself. “I mean, if the female will lay down here.”
Jesus, has this guy gone around all week calling Juliet a ‘specimen’?
Part of me wants to exit stage left. Like, run. Now. What the hell was I thinking? I should have just gone to a nice human doctor who doesn’t have, you know, claws. As in, actual claws!
Shouldn’t he be required to like, file those things down? And maybe put on some clothes while he’s at it? Although, considering he doesn’t even have so much as a Ken doll bump going on, maybe there’s not so much reason to cover up.
“We can leave now, my Ana,” Ezo says.
Again, the doctors head snaps towards Shak. Shit. I don’t think there’s any turning back now. This guy is one of Ezo’s kind and I can’t be weak in front of him. I can’t shame Ezo like that.
So I lift my chin up, try to steady my trembling legs, and walk over to the bed, laying down before I can second-guess myself and this entire situation.
This is what I wanted, right? To see aliens. To be special.
Yeah. I feel real special as the alien doctor begins to poke and press on my stomach before pulling out what looks like a handheld scanner and running it up and down my body. It doesn’t beep or light up like Star Trek medical scanners do on TV or anything and the doctor’s face is unreadable.
“Extend your hand,” he orders tersely.
I do and before I know it, he’s grabbed me by the wrist, yanked my hand forward so abruptly that I have to lift off the bed into a sitting position for it not to hurt.
I look down at my forefinger as blood wells from it. Ezo growls but Shak holds him back. “It is merely part of the process,” Shak murmurs.
At least the doctor gets on with it quickly. Another part of the same tool he used to poke me sucks up the blood and then he steps back.
“I will return with analysis in three sithiths.” The last word comes out hissed and I look to Ezo.
“About an hour,” he reassures me as the doctor strides from the room.
“I must go be with my Juliet,” Shak says. “Make your self at house. I will return with the doctor.” Then he’s off in a flash, too.
Leaving me and Ezo behind with nothing to do but wait.
I stand up, walking to the window. Jesus, I didn’t realize we’d have to wait for the results. It’s a bright morning, the sun searing through any clouds.
“You bleed, my Ana,” Ezo says, his brow furrowed as he comes over to me. He lifts my hand and sucks my finger into his mouth.
“It’s fine—”
“It is not!” He steps back from me, eyes flashing as he lets my hand go. “I just glimpsed inside you when I tasted you and there is no fine. If you told me you had such fear, we never would have come! That is enough. We are leaving now.”
But I jerk back when he tries to grab my hand. “You can’t just do that. You can’t just look inside me anytime you want.”
“You were bleeding.”
“And I thought you wanted to make it feel better, not, not—”
“Ana,” his voice softens as he pulls me into his chest. “Please. I die to see you suffer. We can leave here and never come back.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. We’re already here and we need to know the results of the scan.”