Page 12 of My Alien's Baby (Draci Alien 2)
But she quieted and we had a wonderful morning together. So I will not have Shak upsetting her again now. “She wants a kit badly and was saddened to wake up not pregnant, so do not speak of it.” I communicate to Shak with my eyes so that he knows I am serious.
He gives a slow nod and I know he’s received the message.
Then he smiles. “Come. Juliet is eager to meet her. I have prepared meats to grill in the human male tradition.”
I nod, perking up at this. Ana did not have much food in her apartment. Only coffee, which I was excited to taste. But it is a bitter black liquid that I almost immediately spit out. Ana somehow drinks it like it’s an elixir, how I cannot fathom.
Shak’s mate joins his side and smiles at me. She appears nice, though her beauty is nothing to my Ana’s.
I look back to the vehicle but Ana has still not emerged. I must go retrieve her. I’m eager to show off my new mate.
I go around to her side of the vehicle and use the handle to try to open the door, just like I learned yesterday.
But when I pull, nothing happens. I frown through the glass at my mate.
“Ana,” I call loudly, “the door is broken. Shall I tear it off to free you?” At least I can see her so I’m not too anxious, but I hate anything that separates us.
She shakes her head rapidly and then pushes the door open. How did she fix it so quickly? Clever and beautiful.
I grin at her and put my arm around her shoulders as we turn to present ourselves to Shak and his mate.
“Hi,” Ana says, giving a little wave. “It’s me.”
“Ana,” Shak’s mate gasps, pulling away from Shak and taking several steps forward. “No. Tell me you didn’t.”
Ana goes tense beside me, all her muscles rigid.
I can’t help the low growl as I urge Ana behind me.
“Juliet.” Shak’s voice is a harsh snap in the fresh midmorning air. “Do not move another step.”
He moves in front of his mate. I have changed my mind about the Queen. She is ugly and mean, to so carelessly upset Ana. Even now, Ana trembles at my back, clasping my belt buckle.
“Don’t be silly,” the Queen says. “Ana, come out from back there. I just want to talk.”
“Do not address my mate,” I snap.
“You do not have permission to talk to your Queen.” Shak speaks in a tone that says any friendship between us is gone if I press this matter. “And certainly not with such disrespect.”
I grind my teeth together. No wonder Ana was reluctant to come here and wanted to put it off. I should have known that one Queen is no better than another.
The last Queen was a manipulative snake and it appears Shak has fallen prey to the wiles of another, just like his father did.
“We are leaving then,” I state, and turn my back on my King and longtime friend. I cleave now only to my mate and the family we will make. So be it. I take Ana’s hand and attempt to guide her back towards our vehicle.
“Stop,” Ana says. She pries her hand out of mine. “Everybody just stop.”
She takes a deep, heaving breath. She’s so upset, the water films her eyes and is only moments away from spilling. I want to pick her up in my arms and sprint away from this place.
“Juliet, this is my decision. You said you wanted a woman who knew all the consequences and welcomed them. That’s me!” Ana throws her arms up in the air. “You know how much this means to me. How I’ve always wanted to be a part of something…bigger. But it’s about so much more now.” She looks my way and her face softens. “Now that I’ve met Ezo.”
She looks back to the woman who is supposed to be her friend. “You know how fast it can happen with them. You know how intense the connection is. I— He’s—”
She throws her hands up again. “This is what I want, okay? This is what we want.” She takes my arm, snuggling close to my side. I grip her arm firmly, wanting to give her my strength. “I hope you can respect me enough to trust me,” she finishes.
“It’s not that I don’t respect you,” the Queen says, eyebrows pinching together. “I just don’t want you getting in over your head. This is all a lot to handle. Sometimes you don’t handle change all that well and I’m just trying to prot—”
“Jesus, are you and Giselle ever going to let that go? Yes, in college I was really lonely, I got overwhelmed, and I—” Ana breaks off, looking lost.
I glare at the Queen. She is attacking my mate for no reason. It is only out of respect for Ana that I keep my mouth closed, but I do not care for this woman and her rude opinions about a life that isn’t her own.