Page 36 of Follow Me Under (Follow Me 2)
“You too, Mr. Black.”
“Call me Bobby.”
“Okay, sure.”
He releases my hand, and I turn to Braden’s little brother. Although “little” is definitely not the word for Ben Black. He’s every bit as big as Braden, and are my eyes deceiving me or is he slightly taller, too? How on earth is Braden the runt of this litter?
“Have a seat,” Bobby says. “Ben’s our bartender tonight.”
“I’ll get you a Wild Turkey,” Ben says to Braden. Then to me, “What would you like, Skye?”
“Wild Turkey works for me. It’s my favorite.”
“Someone who shares your taste in booze?” Ben laughs. “She’s a keeper, Bray.”
Braden squeezes my hand. I warm. Does that mean what I think it means? That he agrees that I’m a keeper?
I sit next to Braden on the couch, across from where Bobby is sitting in a wingback chair. Ben brings our drinks, and I’m thankful to have something to do with my hands.
Ben chats about nothing in particular until the doorbell rings again.
“That will be Kathy,” Bobby says.
“Who’s Kathy?” Braden asks.
“Dad’s date, apparently,” Ben says.
Braden’s eyebrows nearly fly off his forehead.
This is going to be an interesting evening.
Chapter Twenty
I keep my eyebrows firmly in place despite the fact that Kathy looks about my age. Seriously. My age. Either that or she has really good genes and a hell of a plastic surgeon.
“Braden, Ben, Skye,” Bobby says, holding on to Kathy’s arm, “this is Kathy Harmon.”
“I’m so thrilled to finally meet you,” Kathy gushes. She pulls Ben into a hug.
Another hugger. Braden is next, and he looks stiff as a board from where I’m sitting.
“And Skye,” Kathy says, “you are adorable.”
Adorable? Maybe I am, in my tight capri pants and camisole. Kathy is wearing a pink sundress and stiletto sandals. Her hair is long, straight, and blond and falls down her back in a thick waterfall. Am I supposed to stand? Ben and Braden, being gentlemen, stood when Kathy entered.
If I stand, she’s going to grab me and hug me. Not looking forward to that, but I’m nothing if not polite.
I stand.
And she grabs me and hugs me.
Not just a run-of-the-mill I’ve-never-met-you-before hug. No, this is a squeeze. I can’t help but inhale her floral perfume. Ugh. Headache city.
“Great to meet you,” I say when she finally lets me go.
“Bobby,” Kathy says, “I would love a scotch on the rocks.”
“Ben, can you get that?” Bobby asks.
“I’m on it.” Ben ambles over to the bar.
“So tell me everything about yourself, Braden,” Kathy says.
“Not much to tell. You can google me.”
In fact, I’m sure she’s already googled all of them. She’s probably googled me as well.
Ben brings her drink and she takes a sip. “Smoky and peaty. Just the way I like it.” Then she sets the glass on a coaster.
“Kathy is a law student,” Bobby says. “She’s interning with us.”
I do some quick math in my head. If she’s interning, she’s most likely a third year, and if she went straight from high school, to college, to law school, she can’t be more than twenty-five years old.
Yep, I pegged it. My age. My age, and she’s dating Braden’s father.
Maybe I shouldn’t have dismissed the Tessa thing so quickly. Having her here with me now would be a godsend. Funny how when Braden asked me to invite Tessa, I thought for a minute he wanted her for his father. Clearly Bobby likes them young, and Tessa has it all over this woman.
Makes me wonder what Braden’s mother was like. He doesn’t talk about her, says it’s too hard.
“Dad,” Braden says, “may I talk to you privately for a moment?”
No. No, no, no. Do not leave me here with your brother and your father’s girlfriend.
“What about?”
“An investment I’ve got my eye on. I wouldn’t bother you during your dinner party, but it’s kind of an urgent thing.”
“Urgent” my behind. He’s going to shred his father for inviting Little Miss Muffet along tonight. It’s written all over his face.
“Sure.” Bobby stands and leaves the room with Braden.
Not awkward at all.
“So, Skye,” Kathy starts. “I hear you know Addison Ames.”
And the name-dropping begins…
I try to smile. No reason to be impolite. Kathy has no way of knowing what a bitch Addie is. “I used to work for her. I don’t anymore.”
“I’d love to meet her sometime.”
Oh, honey, you are so barking up the wrong tree. Addie would rather die than do me a favor. “Sure, I’ll try to arrange it.”
“Would you? I really want to get into the corporate hospitality and entertainment business after I graduate, and Ames Hotels would be a great place to start.”
“Really?” I say. “Interesting. I suppose they need lawyers, too.”
“Absolutely, they do.”
And…we’ve effectively run out of things to talk about.
“If you’re interested in corporate hospitality and entertainment,” Ben says, “why are you interning with Black, Inc.?”
Nicely done, Ben. I smile his way. A darned good question, too.