Page 27 of Follow Me Under (Follow Me 2)
Will being strong cause me to lose him?
I’m hopelessly in love with him. No doubt about that.
I still don’t know his deepest secrets. I don’t know the full story of what went on between him and Addison. But I made a decision to trust him. Difficult as it may be, I have to give up this quest for knowledge about his past. First step is to see Betsy and thank her for what she tried to do and reassure her of my friendship. Plus, I can buy a treat for Penny. I head to the Bark Boutique.
Betsy’s busy, probably because it’s lunchtime. At least ten customers are browsing, which of course means I won’t get a chance to talk to her anytime soon. I smile and wave to her and then browse the aisles, picking up a few things for Penny.
Customers leave as customers come in. By the time I have a chance to talk to Betsy, my shopping bag is full of treats for Penny and Sasha. Too many, in fact. I’ll give some of them to Tessa’s dog, Rita. Which reminds me that Tessa has called me three times and I haven’t called her back. I file that in the back of my mind.
I finally make it up to the cash register.
“Nice to see you, Skye.” Betsy doesn’t meet my gaze.
“You too. Looks like a good business day.”
“It never rains but it pours. I’m pretty close to getting my online ordering store up and running as well. After Tessa ran the numbers and they looked good, I hired a website-and-marketing consultant.”
“That’s great!”
And it gives me an idea. I never thought about hiring a marketing consultant for my own fledgling business. I don’t actually have enough business yet to justify the expense, but I’ll definitely keep it in the back of my mind.
“This is a pretty big purchase,” she says, ringing me up.
“Nothing’s too good for my new pup.”
Finally she meets my gaze. “I can’t tell you anything else.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
She looks down. “I just don’t know anything else, Skye.”
Classic tell. I’m not sure I believe her, but I didn’t come here to pump her for more information. I trust Braden.
I smile. “It’s okay, Bets. I understand. Are you free for dinner? My treat.”
“Actually, I’m meeting Tessa for dinner. We’re going to go over some more numbers and then hit a club she likes.”
I resist an eye roll. Clubbing. Not my favorite thing.
“I’m sure you could join us,” she says.
“Dinner sounds great. I’ll probably pass on the clubbing.”
Betsy smiles. “She told me how you feel about clubbing. We’re actually meeting some guys there. Garrett, that guy she’s been seeing off and on, and he’s bringing a friend.”
“Peter Reardon?”
“I think she said his name is Peter.”
I nod. “I’ll give Tessa a call and see if she minds if I crash your dinner date.”
“She won’t mind.”
“Probably not, but I should check anyway.”
Betsy hands me my receipt. “Okay, see you tonight, then. Tessa can tell you where.”
“Thanks. See you.”
I text Tessa quickly, asking if it’s okay for me to join and apologizing for not calling her back before now.
No biggie on the calls. I was just checking in. Of course on dinner! I would’ve asked you myself but it’s Friday night and I figured you’d be with Braden.
Oh yeah. Braden. I can easily take care of that. I text him.
I’m having dinner with Tessa tonight. Will I see you later?
No response. Well, he did say he’d be on calls all day.
I quickly text Tessa and tell her I’ll meet her at the restaurant at six thirty.
I gave up an orgasm this morning to show Braden I won’t let him control every aspect of my life.
We can start with Friday night dinners.
Chapter Fifteen
Betsy and I arrive at the restaurant at the same time. Tessa texts both of us that she’s running about fifteen minutes late.
I can’t help it. I’m secretly glad because it gives me some time to chat with Betsy alone.
Betsy doesn’t look nearly as eager as I am.
“I talked to Braden,” I say.
She lifts her eyebrows.
“Don’t worry. I kept your name a secret, although I should tell you I did tell Tessa.”
She smiles weakly. “That’s okay. I figured you would. All I know is what Addie told me.”
I nod. “I get that. You did what a friend would. You were trying to help me, to possibly keep me from getting hurt. I appreciate that more than you know.”
“I’d never want to see you get hurt. Our friendship is new, but it means a lot to me.”
I grab my napkin and place it across my lap. “It means a lot to me, too. I just want you to know that I’ve spoken to Braden, and I feel good about our relationship. And also know that, other than to Tessa—and her word is as good as gold—I’ll never say another thing about who told me.”