Page 25 of Follow Me Under (Follow Me 2)
His lips curve slightly upward. “Rockin’?”
“Trust me, that’s a compliment. And if you want to bring my best friend over to meet your brother, he needs to be fluent in Tessa.”
“My brother doesn’t have any problem with the ladies,” Braden says. “He just seems to choose the wrong ones.”
“He’ll have some competition. Tessa’s been seeing Garrett Ramirez since they hooked up at the MADD Gala.”
Braden’s eyes widen slightly. Only slightly, but I notice. “Are they serious?” he asks.
I roll my eyes. “Are you kidding? Tessa’s never been serious in her life. But Garrett’s a great catch.”
Braden’s jawline softens, as if he is relieved. “Not as great of a catch as my brother.”
“Braden, your brother may be a great catch, but I have the distinct impression that he doesn’t really want to be caught.” Most would also have said that about Braden a few weeks ago.
But I caught him.
I can’t help a sly smile.
“No, he doesn’t. But as you say, Tessa isn’t serious. I’d like to see my brother with a nice professional woman. Not the losers he brings home.”
“Losers?” I shake my head. “Well, at least you didn’t say gold digger. Or sugar baby.”
“I was trying to be a little more politically correct,” he says, “but your words are just as apt.”
“Surely you don’t mean your brother pays for it.”
Braden chuckles softly. “Sure he does. Maybe not by leaving bills on the bedside table, but he blows all kinds of money on the women he dates.”
I pick up a piece of bacon. “Is that a bad thing? I seem to remember you having a little black dress professionally replicated for me.”
“Because I ruined the dress, Skye. Besides that and a pair of earrings, which I saw and imagined on your beautiful ears, have I tried to buy you in any way?” He takes a sip of coffee.
“No, I’ve never felt that way, so I doubt that’s what your brother’s doing.”
“My brother is extravagant,” Braden says. “He likes lavishing the women in his life with expensive gifts.”
I let out a giggle. “I can’t see Tessa turning her nose up at expensive gifts.”
“Does Tessa only date rich men?”
I swallow my bite of bacon. “Of course not.”
“Then she’s perfect for Ben. He attracts money grabbers because he throws his money around.”
I pick up my coffee mug. “I suppose it all depends on whether Tessa is available. She may have plans with Garrett this weekend.”
“Would it be better if I called her and invited her?”
“No, I’m happy to invite her.” In fact, having Tessa there when I meet Braden’s father and brother for the first time will help me be a lot less nervous. I don’t say that to Braden, though. “How will Ben feel about all of this?”
“I don’t care. I don’t plan to tell him.”
I drop my forkful of eggs onto my plate with a clatter. “Wait a minute. You’re bringing your new girlfriend home to meet your family for the first time, and you’re bringing along a friend for your brother, without telling them first? As much as I’d love having Tessa with me, I’m not sure that’s cool.”
He pauses a moment, rubbing the stubble on his chin. “You may have a point.”
“If you want to get them together and see if they hit it off, why don’t the four of us go out sometime?”
“All right. You’ve convinced me. It’ll just be the two of us at the family dinner.”
A wide grin splits my face. Braden is not easily convinced by anyone. But plenty of men know nothing about matchmaking. Perhaps he’s aware of his limitations.
“Do you still want me to come?” I ask, not sure which answer I’m hoping for.
“I do. I suppose if I’m going to have a girlfriend, my father should meet her.”
I smile again. Good answer. Meeting the family is a good thing, right?
“What about your parents?” he asks.
“They live in Kansas.”
“So we go to Kansas. Or we fly them here. Your choice.”
“Hold your fire.” I lift my hands in mock surrender. “Let’s get your father and brother out of the way first, okay?”
“I can live with that.” He bites a piece off a slice of bacon. “Wear something…refined.”
Refined? Meaning…not sexy? My confusion must be apparent, because he laughs and says, “Not jeans. Dress slacks or a skirt and blouse. Either is fine.”
“Okay. What will you be wearing?”
“Probably slacks and a jacket, no tie.”
“All right. Then of course, don’t forget I leave for New York Sunday evening.”
He swallows a drink of coffee. “We leave for New York Sunday evening.”
“Are you on the same flight?”
“I am, but you aren’t. We’re taking my jet.”
“But Eugenie sent me a tick—”
“I took the liberty of canceling the ticket and refunding Eugenie.”
Anger scrapes up my neck. Braden had no right to do that.
But it’s classic Braden.
“You’ll find the private jet much more comfortable,” he says nonchalantly, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.