Page 84 of Follow Me Darkly (Follow Me 1)
I smile and hug myself. Addison may have ruined my balloon shoot, but Eugenie is pleased. I take a quick look through my posts. The photos are good. No, not just good. They’re great, and I’ve gained another ten thousand followers. I have far to go before I pass Addie’s ten million, and I may never get there. If I don’t? That’s okay. I’m taking good photos. They may not be changing the world yet, but someday I’ll shoot a photo that people remember always.
I’m free of Addison Ames, I’m earning money, I have an adorable new puppy, and I’m in love with an amazing man who loves me back. I still know so little about Braden, but he rescued Penny for me. He saved a puppy. For me.
Really, what more do I need to know?
After I shower and dress, I take the T to Bark Boutique early on Monday. Won’t Betsy be surprised when she learns I have a new puppy?
When I get off the T, my phone dings. A text from Braden.
Be ready tonight. I’m going to take you where you’ve never gone before.
Sparks sizzle beneath my skin. What does he mean? Is it literal? Is he taking me somewhere? I doubt it. It’s probably a new adventure in the bedroom. He could mean anything, and I don’t want to know almost as much as I want to know. Surprise heightens the anticipation. Already my body is on fire.
I quickly type a response.
Can’t wait!
Then I enter Betsy’s shop. She smiles and beckons me over to the counter.
“Skye, what are you doing here?”
“I need everything. A collar. A dog dish. A kennel. Treats and toys.”
“For Tessa’s dog?”
I smile. “No, for mine.”
“You got a dog?” she squeals.
I nod. “She’s the sweetest little rescue pup, about three months old. Her name is Penny.”
“But you said your place doesn’t allow dogs. Are you moving?”
“Not for a while. My lease isn’t up for six months, but she’s staying at Braden’s until then.”
Betsy’s face drops. “Oh.”
“What’s wrong?”
She shakes her head. “I’ve been over and over this in my head, Skye. There’s no way around it. I can’t tell you what I know.”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“But you did.”
“Yeah, before. But the past doesn’t matter to me anymore, Bets. I love him.”
She shakes her head again. “Fuck.”
“You love him.”
“Yeah. And he loves me.”
“He does?”
“Yeah.” I hug myself. “He told me Saturday evening. Actually it was early Sunday morning.”
“Oh, Skye…”
“It’s okay. The past doesn’t matter. I don’t care what happened between him and Addison. Nothing matters except now, and right now, I need supplies for my adorable new puppy. Can you believe that Tessa called Braden and told him about the pup, and he went right over and got her for me?”
“That does seem sweet of him,” she says.
“It was. I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad you’re happy, Skye. I want you to be happy.”
“I am. Now, show me everything I need for a pup.”
“I will. But first we need to talk.”
She walks to the door and locks it, putting the Closed sign in place.
Uh-oh. My heart thuds.
She’s going to tell me. Finally.
And it’s not going to be pretty.
“Come with me.” She leads me to the back room of the shop where a table and chairs are set up. “Have a seat. Do you want a drink?”
“Do I need one?”
“Maybe. But all I have is soda and bottled water.”
My mouth is suddenly dry. “Water, please.”
She pulls two bottles out of a mini fridge and hands one to me. “You really love him, huh?”
“I do. I have for a while, but if possible even more now. He rescued a puppy for me, Betsy.”
She nods. “I’m going to tell you something, and you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone. Not even Tessa.”
“I’m not sure I can promise that. I may have to talk to Braden about it.”
“If you have to talk to Braden, you can’t tell him where you heard it.”
“All right. Deal.”
“You know that Addison pretty much stalked Braden that summer.”
“She found his apartment and waited for him there. Got him to invite her in.”
“She tried to seduce him, but he wouldn’t bite at first.”
“Good for him.”
“At first, Skye. He did eventually bite. They had sex that night.”
“Just that night?”
She shook her head. “No. They ended up screwing all summer, and Addie found out that Braden has…certain tastes.”
The phantom sensation of the silver clamps courses through me, and my nipples tighten. My nerves scrape along the edges of my flesh. Whether it’s from the memory of the clamps or the apprehension about what’s to come, I’m not sure.
“What kind of tastes?”
“He likes to dominate in the bedroom.”
Relief sweeps through me. “I know that.”
“You do?”
“I’ve been with him a couple of weeks now. How can I not know that?”
“And you’re okay with it?”
“He’s respectful, so yes, I’m okay with it.” More than okay, actually, but Betsy doesn’t need to know that.