Page 73 of Follow Me Darkly (Follow Me 1)
I quickly email her back to say it’s fine, and I’m relieved. Now I don’t have to deal with the balloon ride just yet. Monday will give me a chance to read up on hot-air ballooning so I know better what to expect.
I check my Susanne post. Still all good. I now have nearly a thousand comments. Addie gets a thousand comments in the first hour, not the first twenty-four, but I’m new at this. I never got into it to overtake her. Still, though, out of curiosity, I go to her profile.
A new post pops up.
It’s a selfie, slightly blurry, so she must have taken it herself.
Ecstatic that I’ll be going up in a hot-air balloon tomorrow! @newenglandadventures #sponsored #takingtothesky #ballooning
My jaw drops.
This can’t even be real. How did she know about my deal with New England Adventures? Is this why Tammy canceled my ride for tomorrow? And why I haven’t received the countersigned contract yet? #takingtothesky? Tammy called my campaign “Skye Takes to the Sky.”
This all seems too convenient.
I pace around my apartment. What to do? I won’t call Addison. I could call Tammy, but I won’t. I’ll never beg for a job, and I won’t ask her to tell me whether she and Addie have been in contact. I’m a professional, and I can’t risk getting a bad reputation in the business. I absolutely will not be a whiner.
Think positive, Skye. For all I know, Addison will go up in a balloon and attempt to take the photos herself, which means they’ll suck. Once Tammy sees my photos, she’ll know who better represents her company. Except that Addie is a known influencer and has way more followers than I do. Plus, she may hire a pro to take the photos.
I draw in a deep breath.
Addie can easily be bluffing, and even if she’s not, I refuse to let this get to me. I will always stay focused. I’ll look on the bright side. Even if my contract with Tammy falls through, the positive is that I won’t have to go up in a hot-air balloon.
Oh…but think of the gorgeous photos of the quaint New England countryside I could take.
Now I want this contract more than ever.
I check my inbox.
Still no word from Tammy and no countersigned contract.
I sigh and check my watch. Five thirty. Good. Time for a Wild Turkey. No reason to be concerned. In two days, Braden will be back, and I’ll go to the gala on his arm.
And after the gala, I’ll give him my control.
I needn’t have worried. The next morning I wake to three Instagram messages, all from local establishments asking me to post on their behalf. None of them is a big corporate company like Susanne, but I don’t mind starting small. I contact each one and make arrangements. These are all smaller deals, between five hundred and two thousand dollars, but I take them all and don’t negotiate. Bam. I’ve made another four thousand dollars, and two of the posts I can do today.
I catch another yoga class and take a quick selfie afterward.
Who loves yoga? I do! Check out the relaxing atmosphere at Wildflower Yoga. #yoga #treatyourself #youknowyouwanto
I’m not getting paid for this one, but within a few minutes I already have more than a hundred likes and fifty comments. Unreal. I shower, change, and then head to the bakery to do a post.
Yes, the bakery with the erotic cakes. I’m a frequent shopper there—love their baguettes—so that’s what I choose to pose with.
Need bread? Check out Le Grand Pain! Best baguettes around! (And if you need a special cake for your bachelor/bachelorette function, LGP can hook you up!) @LeGrandPain #sponsored #bakery #bread #baguettes #getyourglutenon #breadisgoodfood #soiscake
I leave a thou richer along with three freshly baked baguettes.
Not bad for a half hour’s work.
I’m beginning to like this influencing thing, even if Braden is the only reason anyone cares what I think. I did a little research last night on what influencers can expect to be paid. Turns out Addie gets a lot more than most influencers, so the fact that I scored $10K from Susanne is quite a coup.
I’m hungry, and there’s a little café near the harbor I’ve been wanting to try. I hop on the T, and twenty minutes later I exit the station and immerse myself in the harbor area.
This is the beauty I see lit up at night from Braden’s window. In a strange way, I feel his building watching me as I walk down a side street. I stop to peruse the antiques in a shop window, and then—
Betsy’s Bark Boutique.
Right here, where it always is. I still have Betsy’s money in my purse, so I impulsively open the door and go in. Betsy is helping a customer, so I look at her selection of handmade dog collars while I wait.