Page 67 of Follow Me Darkly (Follow Me 1)
“No. This is all you, Skye. Just wear the Cherry Russet and mention it. Otherwise, be creative. I’ve already contacted payroll. Since you chose automatic deposit, your first half should hit your account by the end of business tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
“As per the contract, the second half will clear after all three posts are published.”
“I understand. Thank you again. I truly appreciate the opportunity.”
“You can be huge, Skye. We know you’re the brains behind Addie’s posts. Be yourself and use your talent. You’ll outshine her in no time.”
I’m not in this to outshine anyone. But I don’t say the words.
“I’ll get the post up before seven p.m.,” I promise. “Oh, and from now on, please contact me on my cell.” I recite the number.
“Awesome. Talk soon.”
Eugenie has my number. Excellent. Only problem? All my other contacts will attempt to call me at Addison’s office. That’s a problem. If she’s answering the phone, she’ll no doubt try to blackball me.
You’ll outshine her in no time. Why would Eugenie say that? Is she Kay Brown’s source?
I laugh out loud. The social media director for a major cosmetics company certainly has better things to do than give out false information to a gossip rag.
You can be huge, Skye.
Eugenie talked about me being the brains behind Addison, about using my talent and being myself.
But the truth is, Braden is the only reason anyone cares what kind of lipstick I use.
Once he’s out of the picture, no one will care what I think anymore.
I sigh. That’s a fact. But I have another fact to consider.
I’m now unemployed. I need a steady stream of income, and if this will give me income, I have to do it.
I’m a photographer. An artist. I’m going to get creative and give Susanne Cosmetics a post that’s not only catchy and informative but also a work of art. I’ll use this to my advantage, as Braden suggested. It’s a chance for me to put my talent as a photographer out in the world.
If only I had a photography studio where I could manipulate the lighting.
Of course, studio shots can sometimes look sterile.
A photo in my apartment would be more personal, but again, I have a lighting issue.
This requires some thought.
I go to my bathroom and touch up my hair and makeup until I’m satisfied. Not bad. Not bad at all.
My contract is for three posts featuring the Cherry Russet lip stain. What do I love most about it? It’s dark enough for a dramatic effect at night but neutral enough for everyday wear.
Casual, formal, and dramatic—perfect.
I’ll begin with casual. I look good, so I leave the apartment and walk outside. It’s not the greatest day for an outside shoot, so I walk a couple of blocks to Bean There Done That. I peruse the setting. Lighting is good, especially if I can get a table where the sunlight shines in opposite. I quickly order a cinnamon mocha latte and find a table that works.
I don’t have an assistant to hold the phone for my “selfie.” This is all on me. Good thing I have a lot of experience taking influencer photos.
I take about ten selfies—smiling, serious, even feigning laughter in one.
And that’s the one I choose.
It’s spontaneous and lively. Perfect for my casual theme. I do a few quick edits until I look as good as I’m going to.
Now for the copy. I almost always wrote Addie’s copy unless the client writes it. I understand Addie’s voice.
I’m not Addie, and I don’t want to be.
I must find my own voice, and my own voice will be authentic, not fake.
What to say?
How do I feel about the lip stain?
I love it. It’s my go-to. And that’s all I need.
Love my Susanne Cherry Russet lip stain. It’s my go-to for every occasion. Perfect for a casual afternoon! @susannecosmetics #sponsored #lips #lipgloss #kissproof #kissablelips #youknowyouwantsome
Hmm. Five hashtags is a little much. I delete #kissablelips. I add Bean There Done That for my location. Perhaps they’ll see the post and want me to do one for them. I actually like coffee.
My heart races as my finger hovers above the Share button.
I analyze the post once more. Perfect photo? Check. Decent copy? Check. A nice mixture of marketing and fun hashtags? Check.
I swallow, gathering my courage.
And I hit Share.
Within a minute, comments appear.
Gorgeous on you! #orderingnow
Love the color!
You look so happy!
Totally getting this for my wife.
More and more of the same. Emojis, too.
@realaddisonames #fuckyou
Chapter Forty-Eight
Easy enough.
@realaddisonames #youllneverbeme
I’m tempted to leave that one and let my followers see who Addison truly is, but I delete it as well.
I wait for her next move.
Nothing. At least for now. If it continues, I’ll simply block her, though I hope it doesn’t come to that. She said herself that I’m the competition now, and it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the competition.