Page 52 of His Best Friend's Sister
“It’s been a long time. I just hope he does get with the program, because Becca and I are made for each other.”
“Yes,” I confirmed. “Mason, I swear, I’ve never felt like this before. Not only is she gorgeous and smart and funny, but everything about our relationship is incredible. We have this connection I can’t describe.”
“You don’t have to,” he said, holding out a hand. “I know what that is, trust me.”
I nodded. “Exactly,” I said. “You know how this feels, and that’s why I wanted to talk to you about it, too. She’s been so amazing to me, our connection and everything for one, but also helping me sign up for classes, and I’ve helped her look for work. It’s just falling together in a way I couldn’t have planned if I wanted to.”
“Well, I am certainly glad you have her in your life,” Mason said. “You seem worlds happier, which, let’s face it, you haven’t been recently.”
“Yeah, especially really recently,” I said. “I know it’s affected me not knowing what was happening between us.”
“I can imagine,” he said. “So, how is the school thing going?”
“Oh, yeah, I start classes next semester,” I said, seeing movement in my periphery. It was Jordan, coming up beside us, a soda in one hand and a giant cardboard cutout of David Hasselhoff in the other.
“I missed most of what you two have been yakking about,” Jordan said, taking a sip of his drink through a straw. “But I caught the part about the classes. Congrats, man.”
“Thanks,” I said.
“He’s also been waxing poetic about Becca,” Mason said. “I think our brother is head over heels in love.”
“Well, hell that’s worth a congratulations too,” Jordan said. “I’d drink to that, but all I have is a soda and The Hoff here. Maybe after we close, we can do a round in celebration of no more Pouty Tyler?”
I laughed. “Is that what you’ve been calling me?”
“Sure,” Jordan said, “when we were being nice about it.”
The three of us laughed, and Jordan walked away, carrying the sign to the front of the bar and sitting it at the table that displayed our meager merchandise in glass cases. The picture had him pointing, so Jordan set it up so he was pointing at a T-shirt of the bar. I shook my head.
“Alright,” Mason said, “enough of this fucking around. Let’s get to work.”
With that, the two of us stood, and Mason held out his hand for me to shake. I took it, and he patted me on the shoulder as he did.
“I’m really happy for you, Tyler,” he said. “If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.”
“I appreciate that, Mason,” I said. “Just having all of you guys’ support means the absolute world to me. Seriously.”
“Well, you always have that,” Mason said. “Family comes first, and that doesn’t just mean the bar. It means making sure we are all able to find our own happiness. I will support you finding your happiness no matter where that leads you.”
I went to the back to get more decorating supplies, excited to get a busy night ahead of me and fall into the rhythm of work. Doing that would allow my brain to wander, and I knew right where it would wander to. A hot, soapy, bubbly bathtub, with the most gorgeous, sexy woman I had ever met in my life, naked and sparkling clean inside.
Before I even opened my eyes the next morning, I could feel Tyler lying beside me. It was definitely my favorite way to wake up in the morning. I loved just lying there, feeling the warmth of his body and knowing he was so close. The way his weight pressed the mattress down, creating a little dip I could roll into and nuzzle up beside him made me smile.
Part of me felt like I could just stay right there, just like that. I didn’t need to open my eyes. I didn’t need to wake the rest of the way up and face the day. I could just stay in the in-between time of sleep and wakefulness, enjoying being close to Tyler.
But a bigger part of me wanted to look at him. Just feeling him close wasn’t enough. I rolled over onto my side and opened my eyes. He was still sound asleep. Lying on his back, he looked peaceful and content. When I stretched out beside him, he wrapped around me and held me against him. It was almost like even in his sleep, he didn’t want me too far away.
I let out a sigh and propped my chin up on my hand as I supported myself on my elbow so I could look into his face lovingly. I ran my hand lightly along the side of his face and traced the strong edge of his jaw. A few seconds later, his breath changed just slightly. Whether it was in response to my touch or just because he was coming awake, his head tilted a tiny bit back and his eyes fluttered open.