Page 23 of Fox (Hot Shots 1)
“Attempted kidnapping, discharge of a firearm, disobeying a restraining order, those are some of the newer ones, but she also attempted to go to the bank, assume your identity, and withdraw a huge lump sum of cash. Agatha definitely isn’t smart though, because she went to the local branch, where everyone knows you.”
“She’s really gone off the deep end. Agatha is a mess. I think if we can push a psych evaluation, we should, just in case. Though who knows what will happen with this being in the state attorney’s hand, huh?” Melanie asks.
“I’m already on it. I have some pull, not a whole lot, but enough to put a bug in their ear. Are you ready to sign the papers? I hate to make this go faster than necessary, but I do have to get back to California, pumpkin.” I watch as Melanie nods, then signs on the dotted line. They hug, and then I walk him to the front door. I also let him know to go ahead and ship everything she has at his place here. I notice his shocked face, then he smiles, shakes my hand, and leaves. It’s time for me to take my woman to bed. After this whirlwind of a day, she needs some rest.
“Fox, I need to tell you something.” I’m standing in the middle of the living room.
“Good, I need to as well. You want to go first, or me?” He’s standing in front of me, legs spread, his arms crossed over his chest, and a smirk playing on his lips.
“I am, because if not, I’ll never get it out. I love you, Benedict Fox Adams. You’ve showed me what it’s like to smile again, how to live, how to breathe, and you’re my shelter when the rain is pounding on my back. I love you, and I apologize for using your real name. I swear I won’t ever again.” I make the sign to zip my lips and throwing away the key.
“Fuck, Melanie. You can say my name anytime you want, well, maybe not out in public, but in here, hearing it come off your lips in your sinfully sweet voice, I want to hear it more than ever. I already told Gene to ship your stuff here. Give up the rental next door, move in with me, and let me love you until my dying breath.” I’m picked up in the next breath, and my legs wrap around his waist.
“I love you, and I’m so damn lucky to have met your surly ass.” We both laugh at that.
“Who knew a girl with a soulful voice, a sexy mouth, giving me a boner while she sings, would love me as much as I love her?”
“No way, did you really?” I ask, genuinely wondering.
“Sure did. Didn’t matter that I thought you were crying over some pansy-ass boy. I saw the way your blonde hair was hanging down, how your body curved around your guitar, and that song. Christ, sunshine, you can belt it out. Took everything I had not to march over there, pick you up, and take you right then and there.” I see the heat in his eyes as Fox tells me this.
“Well, maybe I should get my guitar out and reenact that moment. Maybe then you’ll actually take me. You know, since I’m supposed to be resting.” I roll my eyes. The doctor didn’t say anything about no activity, just to take it easy.
“You’d do that for me, Mel?” he asks.
“Don’t you know that already, Fox? I’d do anything for you. Now, let me down. I have a guitar to play and a song to sing.” He lets me go, and I slide down his body, feeling his hard length the entire time.
“Hell yes, you do.”
“Save that for me.” I palm his length, watch his head tip backwards as a groan leaves him. I have the perfect song in mind. It’s reminiscent of the nineteen-seventies but encompasses more that I could ever say. It doesn’t take me long to slip the guitar out of the case. If I’m going to move in with Fox, we may have to designate a room for all the guitars, not to mention the plethora of keepsakes I’m keeping from my father. I can’t think about that right now though.
“Strip for me while you sing, sunshine.” Fox’s voice comes from behind me.
“You want me naked?”
“Yes, because I know by the time the chorus comes around, I’ll be sinking inside you.” I do as he requests but make sure to keep the guitar in front of me. I really do love teasing him.
“Ready?” He nods his head, losing his clothes as I start to sing. Fox wasn’t wrong, I don’t make it too far into the song before he is making me sing a totally different one, and nothing’s ever been better.