Page 13 of Fox (Hot Shots 1)
“Now I have to call Gene and let him know about Aggie the Naggie, and after I just had the best orgasm of my entire life,” she’s grumbling into the couch, but I can hear her plain as day. I’m not interrupting her vent session, oh hell no. My mom didn’t raise a fool. Sometimes women need to get out, yell, kick, punch, scream, go for a walk, or drive. There were times my mom did all of the above when it came to Chance and me.
I’m buttering the toast when Melanie pops her head up. “How much did you hear of that?”
“The phone call or…?” I leave off the part about the best orgasm of her life, though my smile probably gives it all away.
“That’s what I thought. All of it. I’m sorry. Ugh. I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying, and I know you told me I’d never have to say those words to you, at least I think you said that?”
“No need to apologize. I’m not, and yeah, sunshine, those are words I spoke, and I mean them. You wanna talk about it?”
“As much as I’d love to, and I will, but I have to call Gene, my second dad, well, basically, and let him know what the womb donor is up to now. How much longer until breakfast is ready? I’ll be quick, promise,” she rattles off.
“Take your time. I can keep things warm and you know I’ll be keeping you to that promise. Now, go take care of your call so you can come back to me.” I made my way over to her while she was talking, not wanting to be too far away in case she needed my arms wrapped around her.
“And to think your mouth made me want to run away from you when we first met. Now, all I want to do is run to you.” Melanie lifts her head fully off the couch, and I squat down, my lips pecking hers before saying, “They’re open for you. It gutted me to see you torn up about a man. I knew I wouldn’t be able to compete with it if you were still mourning a lover, but sunshine, I’m here. Whenever or wherever, you get me?”
“I get you.” Melanie’s lips meet mine. It’s not a light kiss either, she takes initiative, and I let her, that is until her tongue meets mine, then my hand delves behind her neck and I take over until we’re both breathless and I realize if I don’t let her do what she needs to, I’ll be burning breakfast.
That doesn’t mean I don’t watch her sexy ass walk out onto the back deck, another thing that needs to be made a priority with Melanie insinuating she’ll be here more, like I’ve wanted since the moment I got my first look at her. It’s going to be one hell of a ride with the two of us, but boy, will it be worth it.
Gene was fit to be tied, in fact, he went ahead and got the ball rolling after our last conversation. Starting with contacting her lawyer, pulling the plug on this ridiculousness of her contesting the will. I told Gene to do whatever he needed. Even though my father never wanted anything leaked about how she chose money over visitation, I was done. If he were alive right now, he’d be done too. He’d let it leak that the once beautiful background dancer to so many famous bands is evil to her core.
She can’t hurt me anymore. I’m no longer that young child or teenager. I’m twenty-five, and I’m no longer allowing her to hurt me in any shape or form. Which is why I’m off the phone with Gene after talking to him about much better things, like Fox and finally somewhat healing even if last night wasn’t really showing that. He told me that sometimes a person is put in your life when you least expect it, and I should go with the flow.
That’s why I’m blocking her number and everything on social media, even though I haven’t logged on to any of that since I’ve been here. I still don’t want her to have any access to me. Once that’s done, I make my way inside and give Fox the story I was hoping to avoid, but something tells me this former Navy Seal wouldn’t let that slide, so it’s time to put my cards on the table.
“You get everything handled?” He’s still shirtless, hair rumpled from my hands, and at the stove.
“Definitely. Gene is going to get the ball rolling. It might mean I’ll be in the spotlight on the news. If you want to disassociate from me for a while, I’ll fully understand.” I may be saying I’ll deal with it, but honestly, I’d probably sink down into a depression, deeper this time because Fox is slowly becoming my person. You know, that person who holds you without knowing you need to be held without telling them. He’s that person. The small touches and the look of happiness I see etched on his face when he gives me those soft looks. Yep, I’m gone for the silver-tongued devil I wasn’t looking for.