Page 5 of The Invitation
He nodded. “I’ll walk you.”
We approached the table at the same moment as Fisher, who was coming from the other direction. He looked between Hudson and me, and his face asked the question he didn’t say aloud.
“Umm…this is my friend Fisher. Fisher, this is Hudson.”
Hudson extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
After shaking with a silent Fisher, who seemed to have forgotten how to speak, he turned to me and took my hand once again. “I should get back to my table with the rest of the wedding party.”
“Save a dance for me later?”
I smiled. “I’d love to.”
Hudson turned to walk away and then turned back. As he walked backwards, he called, “In case you pull a Cinderella on me and disappear, what’s your last name, Evelyn?”
Thankfully, him using my fake name reminded me not to give him my real one as I’d almost done the first time. “It’s Whitley.”
Oh God. Did he know Evelyn?
His eyes swept over my face. “Beautiful name. I’ll see you later.”
“Uhh…okay, sure.”
When Hudson was barely out of earshot, Fisher leaned close to me. “My name’s supposed to be Maximilian, sweetheart.”
“Oh my God, Fisher. We have to leave.”
“Nah.” He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. We made up Maximilian anyway. I’m your plus one. No one knows the name of the person Evelyn brought. Though I still want to play a real estate tycoon.”
“No, it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“We have to leave because he knows...”
Fisher sucked back a pull of his beer. “You’re just paranoid. The guy has no idea. I watched his face when you said Evelyn’s last name, and the only thing he noticed was how beautiful you are.”
I shook my head. “No, he made a weird face. I saw it.”
“How long were you talking to the guy?”
“I don’t know. Maybe fifteen minutes? I met him at the bar and then he asked me to dance.”
“Did he seem like the type of guy who would be shy about asking a question if he had a concern?”
I thought about it. He actually didn’t. Hudson came off more bold than bashful. “No, but…”
Fisher rested one of his hands on each of my shoulders. “Take a deep breath.”
“Fisher, we should go.”
The emcee came on again and asked everyone to please take their seats, as dinner was about to be served.
Fisher pulled out my chair. “Let’s at least eat. If you still want to ditch after we’re done, we can. But I’m telling you, you’re just being paranoid. The guy hasn’t got a clue.”
My gut told me to leave now, but when I scanned the room, I noticed we were the last of a few stragglers standing, and people were looking at us.
I sighed. “Fine. Dinner and then we’re out of here.”
Fisher smiled.
I spoke softly, aware of the other guests seated at our table that we’d been rudely ignoring. “Where have you been, by the way?”
“Talking to Noah.”
“Who’s Noah?”
“A cute waiter. He’s going to be an actor.”
I rolled my eyes. “Sure he is. We were supposed to stick together, you know.”
“It didn’t look like you were too lonely. Who was that Adonis, anyway? You know I don’t like it when you have men in your life better-looking than me.”
I sighed. “He was gorgeous, wasn’t he?”
Fisher drank his beer. “I’d do him.”
We both laughed. “Are you sure you don’t think he noticed anything? You’re not just saying that because you want to stay, are you?”
“No, we’re absolutely fine.”
Somehow, I relaxed a little over dinner. Although that might’ve had more to do with the waiter who kept refreshing my drink without being asked than deciding Fisher was right. It wasn’t that I no longer thought Hudson knew we were imposters, but rather that the buzz from my gin martinis left me unable to care if he did.
After they cleared our plates, Fisher asked me to dance, and I figured why not? A girl could have a worse evening than one spent dancing with two handsome men. So we hit the dance floor for a catchy pop song, and when the music slowed, Fisher took me in his arms.
Halfway through, we were laughing in our own little bubble when a man tapped my partner on the shoulder.
“Mind if I cut in?”
My heart started to pound in my chest. I wasn’t sure if it was the prospect of being back in the gorgeous man’s arms, or the prospect of being found out.
Fisher smiled and stepped back. “Take good care of my girl.”
“Oh, I intend to.”
Something about the way he said it made me feel uneasy. Though Hudson took me in his arms and started to move us to the music, just as he’d done earlier.
“Having fun?” he asked.
“Ummm… Yes. This is a very nice place for a wedding. I’ve never been here before.”
“Who did you say you were a guest of? The bride or the groom?”