Page 39 of The Invitation
I felt someone grab me from behind. Startled, I spun around. Acting purely on instinct and adrenaline, I balled up my fist, leaned back, and swung with all my might.
I connected with what felt like a brick wall, though I couldn’t be sure since my eyes were squeezed tightly shut.
But then I heard a voice over the music.
“Fuck,” it growled.
And my stomach dropped.
Just no.
I couldn’t have.
Please, dear Lord, let it be anyone but him.
My eyes flashed open to confirm what I already knew.
God hadn’t been listening.
Because I’d just landed a punch square on the nose…
of Hudson.
“What the fuck!” My hands flew up to my nose.
“Oh my God! Hudson! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
My eyes had started to water, so I assumed that was the wetness I felt. Until I took my hands away and realized they were covered in blood.
“Holy shit! You’re bleeding!” Stella grabbed a roll of paper towels off the counter. Ripping off a bunch, she wadded them into a ball and attempted to shove it in my face.
I swiped it from her hands.
“I’m so sorry. I—You…you scared me!”
I pressed the paper towels to my gushing nose. “I said your name twice, but you didn’t answer.”
She plucked a wireless earbud from her ear. “I have these in, and the music was loud.”
I shook my head. “You were flailing your arms around—I thought you were choking.”
Stella frowned. “I was conducting.”
“Yeah, you know, pretending to be the conductor in a symphony.”
I stared at her like she had two heads. “No, I don’t know. It isn’t often that I conduct a symphony in the kitchen at the office.”
“Well, that’s a shame. You should try it. It’s good for the soul.”
“I think I’ll skip giving that a shot considering how well your attempt just worked out.” I pointed to the roll of paper towels. “Can you hand me those?”
“Oh, God…it’s still not stopping.”
I swapped out the bloody paper towels for some fresh ones. Stella began to look a little pale.
“You should sit down,” she said. “Put your head back.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re the one who should be sitting. You look like a ghost. Sit down, Stella.”
She held on to the table while she slipped into a chair. “I don’t like blood. It makes me feel queasy. Maybe we should both sit.”
Since it didn’t seem like my nose planned to stop anytime soon, I sat down across from her.
Stella kept shaking her head. “I’m so, so sorry.” She held her hand to her chest. “I can’t believe I hit you. It was a gut reaction. I didn’t even see who was there. It all happened so fast.”
“It’s fine. It’s my own fault. I should know by now that you’re jumpy. And you didn’t know I came back. I misread the situation.”
“Shouldn’t you be tilting your head back?”
“No. That’s the last thing you should do when you get a bloody nose. You pinch the soft part above the nostrils. Tilting your head back only makes you swallow the blood.”
Her face wrinkled, and she covered her mouth. “That’s gross.”
For the first time, I noticed her knuckles were red. Two were starting to swell. I lifted my chin and pointed. “How does your hand feel?”
“Oh…I’m not sure.” She stretched out her fingers, then made a fist before opening it again. It didn’t look like they were broken. “It’s sore, actually. I think the adrenaline was rushing through me, so I didn’t feel it until now.”
I stood and went to the refrigerator. The best I could find in the freezer was a Lean Cuisine. I wrapped it in a paper towel and handed it to her. “Hold this against your knuckles.”
“Shouldn’t you be using it?”
“Don’t worry about me.”
Ten minutes later, the bleeding from my nose finally started to subside. “You pack a pretty damn good wallop there for a little thing.”
She shook her head. “I still can’t believe I did that. I’ve never hit anyone in my life. I thought I was alone in the office.”
“I did leave. But I forgot something for a meeting I have uptown early tomorrow morning, so I came back. I heard the icemaker when I passed the lunchroom and realized you were still here. I figured I’d let you know I would reset the alarm on my way out, but I guess you’ve got security covered with that right hook.”
She smiled, but it quickly fell to a frown as she looked at my nose. “I’m really sorry.”
“I’m okay. The nose just bleeds a lot. I’m going to go to the men’s room and wash up before I head out.” I pointed my eyes to her hand. “You sure you’re okay?”
Stella took off the makeshift ice and flexed her fingers. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
I stood. “Don’t stay too late, Rocky.”
“What the fuck happened to you?” Jack leaned back in his chair with a giant smile on his face. The fucker was enjoying this moment a little too much.